I just want to cry:(....

I started my juice detox fast a little over a week ago. I did 3 days before preparing myself for it, and 7 days of nothing but juicing, drinking 5 juices a day. I felt great, and actually I wasnt ever really hungry because the juices filled me up! In 7 days I lost a total of 8 lbs. I dropped 2 lbs I think the first day, then a lb every day after that. I was unsure of whether or not I was going to do the juicing detox for 7 or 10 days, was going to go 10 but by the 7th day

I was really really craving and missing eating real food and the green veggie juices although I had got them to taste decent, I was getting tired of. I would much rather eat them lol So I decided to end it at 7 and continue on my journey of health and weight lose by following this juice fast with eating more of a paleo style type of plan with a few exceptions....Paleo is everything from nature as close to it as possible, no artificials, no preservatives, no GMO's, all natural and organic if possible. And they believe in the whole diet pyramid of veggies, fruits and lean meats.

I was going to go this route except do more of a primarily veggies and fruits with only meats, nuts or diary only on rare or special occasions. Ive been off the juicing for 2 days now. I quickly found out my first day that my stomach and either shrunk or my system isnt used to actual food like it was because it doesnt take much at all to fill me up. I made my first reg meal the first day after my juicing and I was only able to eat maybe a cup of it before I was already feeling sick to my stomach, like I had just ate a big thanksgiving feast lol. I wasnt sure whether I should go with my instincts of stopping when I felt full or push myself to finish it all every meal...I decided to let my body be the judge, so once I felt full, I would stop.

Ever since I have started this whole process which was about 10 days ago, I havent had any sugar whatsoever, no caffeine, no nothing. Only either juices or veggies and fruits with the exception of some lean grass fed beef I had for dinner Sunday night. You can check out my diary if youd like:)

Why I feel like crying is since the juice has ended, each day I have put back on a lb a day. At the end of my juicing I was down to 167 and this morning Im back up to 169:( I know that any type of juicing or fasting is going to cause you to lose weight...and that afterwards the weight lose will slow way down, but since I was still taking in calories, I felt that I might gain a lb back and then start loosing again, or I would just stay the same and continue to loose 1 or 2 lbs a week. But gaining this 2 lbs back in the 2 days Ive gone back to reg eating is scaring me and really has gotten me depressed:(

Does anyone have any advice? Is this normal? What should I expect and is there anything I can do? Am I doing something wrong? Please Help!:(



  • biorach
    biorach Posts: 60 Member
    Hey woman!
    I am so sorry you are feeling down about your fast, gaining weight afterwards is always a downer. I don't think you're doing anything wrong but I will share with you what I've done over the past year.
    To begin, I weighed in at 215lbs right after I gave birth to my son. I had him in November and started actively trying to lose weight in January. I bought the Insanity workout from BeachBody and after a week, I realized that it was a workout for people who KNEW how to workout. (I am NOT one of those people). I gave up and began sulking again, feeling sorry for myself. After that, I got a personal trainer that came to my house and taught me how to successfully workout and eat better. I lost about 10lbs in 4 months doing this. I was still down about my weight (still weighing over 200lbs) and one night, I started watching documentaries on Netflix. Low and behold, I watched Fat Sick and Nearly Dead (twice) and was so impressed by it, I started juicing the next day. I completed a 12 day fast and lost 8lbs. As SOON as I started eating, I gained most of it back. By this time, I was ready to give up and be fat forever. Little did I know, I was juicing "wrong"... I was mainly juicing fruits (because they taste good) and maybe had one green juice a day. The weight I lost was just water weight, it was bound to come back!
    After some research, I started juicing the "right" way- 80% veggie 20% fruit throughout my day. I stopped working out, too. I started juicing this way about 9 months ago and have lost 40lbs and it's off for good! This last 9 months was through plenty of cake, brownies, fast food (during our cross-country move) and plenty of other missteps. But, my weight stopped fluctuating and after a week of really bad food (during our move), I was still the same weight. At my last weigh in, I was 170.4lbs, and I owe it all to juicing. My son's birthday is on Thanksgiving and I'm about to eat my heart out, so all these days leading up to it, I'm juice (almost) fasting.
    I guess my advice to you is this... Instead of doing a fast for x amount of days and then eating "normally" (I know you said you're eating a paleo diet), maybe you could try to juice EVERY day and eat when you absolutely have to. Also, instead of juicing your fruits, eat them. That way you're getting the fiber instead of just drinking sugar. And make all of your juices primarily green (kale, spinach, celery, parsley, cilantro, there are PLENTY more). Switch it up! Your body loves diversity so don't just find one juice and drink it exclusively.
    I just found a green bell pepper/tomato juice recipe that is delicious!! (and I hate tomato)
    Lately, I'll juice for about a week (until I lose 5lbs) then I'll add a little bit a food back in until I gain 1-2lbs. Then, I start again. This sounds weird but it works for me. And as a plus, I "get" to eat all the time.

    Oh! And when you break a fast, eat what you've been juicing. So break your fast with a day (or half day) of eating fruits and veggies. Slowly add cooked/processed foods back into your diet as to avoid "shocking" your system with food.

    Good luck with your journey, don't give up! If you want any recipes or just want to vent you can always message me!
  • CountryMom03
    CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member
    Thank you so much!!:) Your post really meant alot to me and I will def try to do some of the things you suggested:)