clomid help

truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
Ok so first cycle using Clomid and went in for an ultrasound only to find out that it didn't work for me my largest follicle was 10.9 so now we have to try something else.....just wondering have others had this happen to them and what there next step was we r using donor sperm via qui once my foliclues get to the right size


  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    What day was it that you went On day twelve of my last cycle my follicle was about 10 MM and on day 14 it was about 16 mm and it wasn't until day 16 that my follicle was 20 mm and ready for trigger shot and I got pregnant that cycle. So if you went in on day 12 or someplace around there it's not time to give up on this cycle yet.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    I went on day 13 and told me that due to the fact that my ovaries produced many small follicles (3 were close in size such as 9.4-10.9 you could also see many more that were smaller though as well) they didn't feel clomid was going to be best. and I have an appointment with the doctor on dec 3 to discuss other options. This was my first time being on clomid
  • powellfam2006
    powellfam2006 Posts: 391 Member
    usually they up the dose. I am going to take femera again. That is another option.
  • fairie_marie
    Clomid didn't work for me, they upped it and still didnt work. Once I lost enough weight I have started Ovulating on my own again so once Hubby's issue is resolved we should be good to go..
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    I started out on 100mg and rn told me that he usually changes to a different med because of how my ovaries responded by producing many small follicles rather then a good viable follicle.....
    Weight loss wise I have lost over 100lbs over this last year
    Husband wise we have to use donor sperm
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    Well just heard back from the doctor. They ran a blood test to confirm weather I actually did ovulate as I feel as though I did due to the change I had in cervical mucosa about five days after the ultra sound they did. At the ultra sound they said I would not ovulate due to the size of my folical. In any case if the bloodwork shows I did they are going to up my dose to 150mg and try with cloimid again if it does not than they are going to try 200mg after that the are not going to try any other medication due to a fear of over stimulation with injectables......seems to me that they could just lower the dose of the injectable and thus lower the risk.....(I don't know maybe that is just my thoughts)