Tell me about your tennis routine

goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
Hi. I was very excited to see this group and am hoping to get a little more discussion going. So let me start the ball rolling and tell you about my current tennis routine. Tuesdays I play in a "competitive" ladies inter club league, Wednesdays I have a lesson, Thursdays I attend tennis aerobics, Fridays I have a fun and friendly match, Saturdays tennis aerobics again, Mondays team practice and usually I have another game sometime in there when I am called in as a sub or set up a singles match.

What about you? If you interpreted "routine" as something you do before or during a match tell us about that too.


  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Hi there!

    Looks like you are playing a lot of tennis these days. I don't nearly play as much as you do. I'm playing 1-2 times per week most weeks. On days I'm not playing, I'm usually doing some sort of other cardio or strength training exercises. Typically speaking, I workout about 5 days a week, and take two days off to let my body rest.

    During matches, if I feel like I'm losing control of the moment, I like to slow the pace down, take some deep breaths, then serve. I'm big on controlling pace of the game when I'm serving.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    OK. You got me. I am curious. What is tennis aerobics?
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Tennis aerobics is a class where one of the club pros or instructors feeds balls to a maximum of eight people. The point is mostly to get your heart rate up (so we hit a ball and then run and touch the net for instance, or run around the back of the court), but also to hit many forehands, backhands, volleys, overheads etc. At some point in the hour he feeds to one person (while everyone else picks up balls), 40 balls forehand to backhand. At the end of it I want a drink of water but I'm too busy just gasping for air. I love it not only for the aerobic component but to try new things that I have been taught in a lesson when I'm not comfortable enough to use them in a game yet.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member

    During matches, if I feel like I'm losing control of the moment, I like to slow the pace down, take some deep breaths, then serve. I'm big on controlling pace of the game when I'm serving.

    I suspect that we are playing at very different levels, but nevertheless I know exactly what you mean. In ladies doubles however I am more likely to be trying to speed things up!
  • I am playing college tennis and practice 6 days a week. I've never heard about tennis aerobics but sounds like fun!
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I met a girl in Florida who did something similar to tennis aerobics but they played music too. Can't recall what they called it but it sounded like lots of fun. Good luck in your college games AND your studies!
  • Hungry_Annie
    Hungry_Annie Posts: 807 Member
    Normally I play anywhere from 3-5 times a week, but recently I haven't played much due to moving, personal stuff etc etc. My schedule changes in the summer and winter as we switch to indoors as I am up in Canada. But in the summer, its usually hitting Tuesday night with either my boyfriend or brother or friends, Wednesday night is ladies league, usually hit Thursday or Friday with someone, and usually tournaments or lots more hitting on the weekends. I also do clinics at the start of summer season which is two nights a week.

    In the winter, its usually Tuesday, Thursday, and weekends playing with friends or my boyfriend. Im trying to get more exercise other than tennis, but tennis is the best exercise!!
  • Hi I'm Jodi! I live in southern California. Until 2-3 months ago I "played" tennis 2-3x week! All my hitting partners just vanished! Now I'm excited to report, I get to get back on the court tomorrow morning!!! I'm about 3.5 right now. I hope to play a doubles league soon. I'm focused on a different sport at the moment. But I'm excited to get back to tennis!

    I'd love some tennis MFP friends!
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    I'm relocating to SoCal within the next couple of months. One of the perks I look forward to is weekends playing tennis! Here in Cleveland, we can't play most of the year! I'd love to play on Saturday and Sunday mornings when I get there!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I am playing this evening, a competitive doubles match with my interclub team. I did not play yesterday, but I did play the day before (for three hours), and the day before that, and the day before that.
    Life is good right now! I hope it keeps up. . . . well, except:
    Normally, it rains in the winter in California, and rain will interfere with your tennis games once a week, or so. (We have almost no indoor courts anywhere.) But, we are in the midst of a horrible drought. No appreciable rain for a very long time. So, I would not mind if a little rain kept me off the courts. But, otherwise, I hope I can keep playing as often as I have been recently for quite a while.