getting back on track

neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
well due to a crazy work schedule and various life events getting in the way, I've not done much lifting lately.

so today I started again, at the weights I did on my last deload (because I'm out of practice) and will be working up in small increments back to my previous working weights.

I'm also tracking my calories, because I think my body fat percentage has crept up a little... my weight has stayed the same but if I haven't been lifting I probably lost some water weight and then that was offset by fat gain. I still fit into the same clothes (and by fit I mean tight on the glutes and quads and baggy around the waist lol) but I think I have more flab around my waist. But in any case it won't hurt to lose a bit of flab, so long as my strength is going up, not down.
