Please Add Me :)

Hi. I'm new to my fitness pal. I've had EDNOS for about 4 years now. It turned into bulimia-restrictive type, which is what I am currently diagnosed with. For those who don't know it mean I have a restrictive calorie intake, but I still purge. I don't really have binge episodes, I think in the last year I've had one. It is not apart of my bulimia. I'm in therapy for it and a few other things that might be the stem of the ED. I joint myfitnesspal so I could track what I eat and make sure I don't excessively restrict my calorie intake. I don't want to take steps backwards in my recovery, so I am trying to do things the healthy way. Feel free to message me or add me as a friend. I am new and could use the help :)
Thanks for reading,