
I discovered that I've got a series of small fibroids and one large one. Does anyone else have these? It's making me really uncomfortable and I am now pretty limited in the physical activity I can do as a result.

A little back story: During my first ultrasound, the tech mentioned that I had fibroids, but with no detail. A few weeks later, while visiting my ob-gyn mother-in-law, we did a second ultrasound and discovered that the fibroids were quite extensive with one measuring 4 inches right below my belly button. She recommended no heavy lifting or vigorous exercise. I have had cramping (without bleeding--gratefully). I have yet to meet with my local ob-gyn to discuss my new found fibroid friends.

It's frustrating because until just recently I was staying quite active and am a painfully independent human that hates to ask for help with simple things (like lifting a laundry basket). Insult to injury, the only part of me showing is my swollen fibroid-filled abdomen and the baby is still laying low. I can only imagine the "You must be having twins" comments I am going to get eventually. After I do a lot of walking or bending, I can definitely tell these things are there.

Does anyone else have experience with these? What kind of questions should I pitch to my doctor when I meet with her?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts and support.
