2 Weeks Post-Op, Difficulty swallowing?

I'm slowly starting to eat soft solid food now. It's been very difficult for me to drink and eat the protein because I have something like indigestion or something when I swallow. Does anyone else have/had this problem? Does it go away? And yes, I do chew the small amount of food in my mouth to death before I swallow. This indigestion even happens when just drinking water.




  • BoysMommaX4
    BoysMommaX4 Posts: 41 Member
    I was sleeved 11/12/13. I am 3 weeks out today and at my 10 day post-op appointment I told my doctor the same thing. It has gotten much better. I think that it must just be about adjusting to the surgery. Something else that you may want to try is waiting a while between each bite. Sometimes I feel like I have a traffic jam going on and that hurts. Make sure that your food is super moist when you can too. I know that even liquids hurt right now but it does get better. I thought that something had gone wrong with my surgery but like I said, 11 days after my appointment I am doing good. BTW I also switched from a powder protein to premade Isopure drinks and that helped with the discomfort as well.
  • It should get better. I had that feeling at first, and then it started going away. Maybe it is the opening getting
    use to being stretched a little. As long as you are not throwing up. I still get the hic cups bad if I eat too fast or
    do not chew enough. I had my surgery Sept. 17th, the first month or so were my "learning" period.
    Good Luck :)
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Everybody is different and every surgery is different. It may be taking a bit longer for your swelling to go down or yoru Dr. may have done a hernia correction that tightened up everything. Be patient and go slow - it will work out. I do agree with the last post: as long as you are not throwing up you are ok.