Real Weight v Real Happiness

Confession time .. I have not weighted myself in 2 months. However, I have lost inches in various places and I have dropped a top size. Hips still hanging on in there. But I am happy. I have tired days, furious days but in general I am happy with my lot. Since discovering this I have lost the urge to finish everything on my plate. Still cant get over serving too much but now I know I am doing it. I have also lost the urge for chocolate. OK I may have a bit here and there but not the whole bar at a time.

What are your feeling about this?


  • queenegreene
    queenegreene Posts: 1,376 Member
    Losing inches is just as important as losing weight. Of course, ideally it would be best to do both at the same time- but one or the other is good too! I'm working on enjoying some of my favorites in moderation rather than either piggy out/eating whatever I like whenever I like (which got me into this dilemma in the first place!) or becoming what I've always called a "religious" dieter. In the past, I've always stuck to a strict regime of compulsively watching calorie intake/exercising like crazy, but this time around, I refuse to do that - since I've learned that I can't maintain that lifestyle for the long term. I'm just trying to be sensible and make exercise and moderation be new habits. I've been exercising at least 30 minutes a day now for 15 months and I have to say that I just don't feel right unless I get that morning workout completed. Now, as I said, I'm adding "eating in moderation" to my day. It will be exciting to see what happens :smile:
  • Chatterbox57
    Sounds like a good plan to me. The main point of all this is that we are noticing the changes, little ones do add up. I was so trained that we must have a breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks a day, it got totally out of control. Now I don't feel guilty if I miss breakfast. In fact I feel better as we eat late in the evening, so topping it up with a breakfast was all the wrong things to do.

    Hope to see you around often. :)
  • shali69
    I just got on board again and would really like to be able to stick with it this time. right now Im just trying to get my food intake back on track, my over eating was way out of control! I out recently that my over eating was probably due to the fact that this year I quit smoking, quit drinking diet coke and became a vegetarian. the first two were ways I controlled my eating and the last is just so brand new. The combination of all three put my eating through the roof but now its time to get back on track next comes the exercise! As for weigh ins well I'm going to have to get to the Doctors office more often because it seems to be the only place that I weigh myself!
  • queenegreene
    queenegreene Posts: 1,376 Member
    Last night my husband, who is the BEST cookie baker of all time, got a small plate of cookies for us to snack on while we watched tv- yikes! I had a hard time controlling myself, because these are some seriously wonderful cookies. I'm happy to say that, even though i ate more cooikes than I would have wanted to eat, I did NOT eat the entire plate- only half- about 6 bite size cookies :laugh: At one time we would have each had our own plate of cookies. So I'm getting there- slowly!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Chatterbox57
    Many years ago when I did do exercise to extreme I was always hungry afterwards and would have a full cooked breakfast when I was done. Then a good sized lunch etc. What you don't realise [or I didn't] was that my body got used to the intake of food and wanted it. Then stopping going to classes I still craved the food. Books like 'Eat Fat, Grown Slim' or eat like a king at breakfast, prince at lunch and pauper at dinner didn't do it for me either.

    I eat when I am hungry now, but I know I don't drink enough liquids to take the urge to eat away. Sometimes hunger is really dehydration but I can never remember that when I need to.
  • queenegreene
    queenegreene Posts: 1,376 Member
    I'vebeen noticing lately that I get a get a headache in the afternoon when I don't drink enough water- I've always been a water drinker so I have at least my 8 cups every day, but some days work is so busy that I forget to refill my glass often enough. I've been trying to be more conscientious with this and have done much better in the headache department. Becoming self aware is very important- like only eating when you're hungry, noticing when I'm thirsty- not hungry etc. I wish I could have been this "smart" years ago! :wink: