Newbie needing advice

I begun the VSG journey in June and have completed most of the pre-operative leg work thus far. I was diagnosed with a mild case of sleep apnea so I have to sleep with the CPAP mask for 4 weeks before I can be scheduled for surgery. I have a follow-up appointment Jan 2014 and if I have lost my 5% of weight i can then be scheduled...THATS THE PROBLEM! I am having trouble loosing weight on my own. The program suggest I follow the South Beach Diet because its very similar in how your life changing eating habits "should be." My problem is, I loose about a pound in the first week then gain 2 pounds the second!

If I cannot loose some weight before surgery I will not be able to move forward and all the pre-surgical screening will expire. Any suggestions??? What methods have you all used for pre-surgery weight lost?


  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    My pre-surgery weight loss method was using MFP to track my calories and exercise. I made sure I was weighing and measuring all of my food. I lost 70 lbs before the surgery.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    I had to lost 10lbs in less than 3 weeks. Shake for breakfast, Quest bar for lunch, grilled chicken for dinner and lots of H2O. I lost 13.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    First up; how many pounds does 5% equate to, and how many would you need to lose by January? Understanding this may give us an idea as to what strategies to reccomend. Outside of that you could try the two week liquid diet that your nutritionist will put you on just before surgery. That would definately cause you to drop pounds and help you experience what the run-up to surgery would be.