
Hello everyone :) Welcome to the group Have fun, Be healthy, Loose weight!! I hope you find this group very helpful. Im here to encourage not nag on you. Everyone has their off days where they forget to log or are just plain tired. My goal is to help by sharing experiences, exercises, tips, and recipes.
1. Weigh-ins~ everybody weighs themselves on different days. I would like for you to post your progress once a month, not every week because every ones bodies are different; many but not all take more than a week to drop pounds.
2. Exercises~ I will post exercises every week with daily exercise on them.
3. Tips~ I will post what I like to call the "GOLDEN tip" everyday
4. Recipes~ I will share recipes and I would love to know yours too.
5. Experience~ I like to share stories of my own personal experiences. You are also welcome to post yours.
6. Questions~ Im open to answering your questions, all you have to do is message me.