extremely tired and hungry

ALL THE TIME! what can I do? have been working on Running Consistently 4 or 5 days a week and weekly mileage is about 25-30, as the Long Run creeps up I am running in shorter bursts during the week to keep the miles about the same - but I'm ALWAYS hungry, and really tired. I think it might be the length of the Long Run (about 14 or 15 miles) and I want to get used to these distances and increase them (am doing first marathon next May) so is there a way around the tiredness and insane appetite?


  • beeblebrox82
    beeblebrox82 Posts: 578 Member
    Sounds to me like you aren't eating enough. Are you eating back those calories from running? Even a small person will burn 1300 calories running 15 miles pretty easy. I blow through 2200 at that distance.
  • Cheval13
    Cheval13 Posts: 350 Member
    Make sure you are getting enough sleep and enough fuel. It also takes about two weeks to get used to the long runs... and those can do a number on you if you don't fuel properly beforehand or after.
    Try to get in a short nap after the long run, at least at the beginning. Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep in.
    The appetite thing is an unfortunate side-effect... but it's mostly mental. For the first two weeks, try eating back at least 2/3rds of your exercise calories, even if you usually don't.
    I personally found that taking enough iron helped me with both the issues immensely.
    btw, what marathon are you doing in May? I need to find something to train for.
  • I thought I was eating quite a lot, have even gained weight in the past few weeks (4kg!) but the net calories do look quite low, especially on days of longer runs. Somehow I forgot or didn't have time for breakfast on Saturday and I don't think my body has quite forgiven me yet!

    I'm doing Edinburgh Cheval - http://www.edinburgh-marathon.com/?pages_id=1290

    I forgot about vitamin and mineral supplements, I could pick up some today. A nap sounds tempting already and I haven't been out today or up for very long!
  • beeblebrox82
    beeblebrox82 Posts: 578 Member
    I often spread my long run calories over 3 days, overeat a little on the day before and the day after, and leave a deficit on the actual run day. I find it helps keep my weight more consistent and I don't feel as sluggish. And yes, sleep is another very good point!!
  • ok, don't fully understand why I've gained weight if I've been undereating but I guess it will work itself out over time, thanks

    the friend who coaches me says the same, is just not enough food to support the running but he always says that and I think he has never been more than a couple of pounds above his personal ideal so doesn't understand The Fear of eating too much
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    ...have even gained weight in the past few weeks (4kg!)...

    Okay, this jumped right out at me. So, even if this is over 4 weeks, that's a kg per week, or 2.2 pounds. That means to legitamately gain that weight you would have to have eaten at a surplus of over 7000 calories per week. So, either you are scarfing down a box of donuts every day and not logging it, or your scale is broken. :wink:
  • if I'm eating donuts it is happening in my sleep! I log everything and I round it up because I worry about the tendency to underestimate intake, overestimate activity (I use the Garmin numbers for calories burned, it's as accurate as these things are I think)

    looking at the reports on here (I weigh every day but don't always record unless there is a big change) the gain happened over 7 days, but one kg has more or less gone so I'm kind of where I should be (allowing for a bit of fluctuation) - maybe I had a false low reading to begin with one day

    maybe I should stop weighing myself and monitoring every mouthful!

    the only thing that's changed in the past couple of weeks is an increase in my dose of lithium, if anything that usually pushes any spare water out and makes me weigh a bit less