Week One: Logging Workouts

I'm not sure how to count these work outs so I counted for 30 min. of Strength/Weight Training (90 cal) and 30 min. of Calisthetics (push ups/sit ups) under Cardio (247 cal). If anyone has any better thoughts on this I'd love to hear it.


  • jazzminx
    jazzminx Posts: 236 Member
    That sounds about right. I use a heart rate monitor and I usually burn around 325-350 cal, but I have a fair amount of weight to lose.
  • pplf2001
    pplf2001 Posts: 133 Member
    Circuit Training is what I have always used for her workouts.
  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    I use circuit training to log, and it does seem about right. I am on week 1 of phase three, and let me tell you. it is no joke.. her cardio 3 I burned 361 in 33 minutes, which is amazing for me. I am 5'4, 139 pounds, though I don't weigh myself a lot. I get discouraged if I see the number go up on the scale. Plus I have been eating more, craving more and around the holidays, its tough to say no. I do however do my workout everyday and usually on Sundays I will do a different cardio dvd.

    I am starting this program again, with heavier weights after I am done with this phase. And I am going to try my hardest to clean up my eating so I can be summer ready!! Good luck! and as soon as I figure out how to post pictures on here, I will.
  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    also add me if you would like!
  • Kimmywells
    Kimmywells Posts: 85 Member
    My name is Kim from Canada

    I official started JMBR on Monday Dec 25,2013

    I am glad someone start up this group again. Hopyfully this will help keep me on the right track,by logging in my workouts this will hold me accountable. We can all use a little help on this journey from our MFP friends, if anybody would like to friend me that would be great . I recorded my exercise by using Circut training as I did in JM 30 day shed. When I was in the 30 shed group many people suggested to use circut training to keep track made sence to me. I would like to feel good about my self over the last year I have gain about few more pounds then I like. I am stress eater and when I get bored I tend to eat, I not doing the food part of this program for many diffent reason 1) I am fusy eater 2) can't always get the item in Canada. So I trying to with 1200-1400 calories a day. Wish me luck :)

    Week One: Monday Level 1 - Week 1- completed
    Tuesday Level 1- Week 2 - completed
    Wednesday Level - Cardio 1 -completed
    Thursday Level 1- week 1- completed
  • Great posts everyone! It's great to see 13 members already!! I'm always amazed how quick the workouts seem, as soon as u think you can't finish a certain exercise she switches it and before you know it you're done! I encourage everyone to treat themselves on your day of rest and on Christmas so you don't feel completely deprived and quit altogether. I've decided Sundays (my weigh days) are the days I get to have cream/sugar in my coffee, a glass of wine and some Christmas chocolate IF I've met my goal of 2lbs lost that week, so I have a weekly incentive and reward. If I thought about not having ANY for 90 days, I KNOW I won't make it.
    Does anyone else have any tips?
  • Kimmywells
    Kimmywells Posts: 85 Member
    Week One: Level 1 - Day 2 completed.
  • pplf2001
    pplf2001 Posts: 133 Member
    starting measurements...

    did anyone take these? I haven't done it yet - finding it hard to motivate myself to do so, though I know I will appreciate it later.
  • commit1440
    commit1440 Posts: 456 Member
    Hi all, I started JMBR about 5 weeks ago, got through the first two weeks ok, but week 3 was difficult. So, I put in on hold. Thanks to this group, I've started up again with Week 3. It's still difficult, but I'm sticking with it.

    Feel free to add me.
  • Yup, I did the measurements and even took BEFORE photos and put it all up in my bathroom for motivation. Ya, it sucks, but it's sure motivating!
  • That's great! Keep at it. The important things is you don't quit!!!

    How are you posting those graphics with the progress chart?
  • Way to get back in the game! Stick with it! 31 pounds lost so far? That's AMAZING!!!
  • LOL, nevermind. I figured it out!
  • commit1440
    commit1440 Posts: 456 Member
    I did the photos and the measurements when I started JMBR, but I haven't put them up anywhere or created a collage as Jillian suggested. But I do think it's a great idea. I love to ski, but have had to buy new pants each ski season for the past 3 years. Now, the pants from 3 years ago fit -- but not the ones from 5 years ago (not yet anyway). I'm thinking of including photos of stuff I love to do, like skiing.

    glad you figured out the progress bar - i know there's instructions here on MFP somewhere, but I'm not sure where I found them. It's helps to remind me of how much I've accomplished, especially when I get stuck.
  • Kimmywells
    Kimmywells Posts: 85 Member
    Level One - Day 6 - Workout One completed
  • Great to hear from you Kim. Keep up the good work! The first couple weeks are tough so hang in there!
  • commit1440
    commit1440 Posts: 456 Member
    Well I'm on my second week since joining this group. I picked up with week 3 (phase 1, workouts 3 & 4) last week, and am on week 4 now. While I found workouts 3 and 4 to be a lot more difficult, it's definitely getting better.

    this week so far:
    12/10 - Phase 1 workout 3
    12/11 - Phase 1 workout 4