Week One-Celebrations!

Since Sundays are the Rest Day at the end of each week, I think it would be a great day to celebrate our accomplishments! Even if you didn't lose the weight you wanted there is ALWAYS something positive you can learn from and small victories along the way- like cm lost, diet improvements, sticking with your workouts, breaking habits and feeling stronger.
So, post your victories here each week on Sunday and let us all know how you're doing. WE'RE IN THIS TOGETHER!!!


  • So Week One (or whichever week YOU are on) is DONE!! What were your SUCCESSES? CHALLENGES?

    -Persevering through week one withdrawal symptoms (headache, irritability, fatigue, some nausea) from quitting sugar, caffeine, fat, junk food, wine/beer. These symptoms are physiological for the first 1-2 weeks, and after that it's ALL psychological.
    -Losing 5lbs! Normally this would be an unhealthy amount for one week, but due to cutting out all the bad stuff AND working out 6 times, it makes sense. After this I expect my goal of 2lbs/week will be more likely.
    -NOT quitting! Even when my husband laughed at me saying "you started and stopped so many times, why would THIS time be different?" I guess he'll see...
    -Being able to sleep without a glass of wine or sleeping aid, because I'm SO exhausted!

    -Not listening to the familiar voice that says "I can't do this, it's too hard, just forget it"
    -Fighting the fatigue and sore muscles.
    -Remembering to STRETCH-ALOT!
    -Remembering to drink enough WATER!

    REMEMBER EVERYONE...How do you climb a mountain?...one step at a time! What is YOUR "step" each week? Have you broken down your 90 day goal into bite size steps to make your goal more attainable? Have you set up mini-rewards for yourself for attaining those mini-goals?

    MY mini-goal is: 2lbs per week. IF I do that, I get to eat whatever I want (as long as I stay under the calorie goal for the day).

    Can't wait to hear about YOUR week!

    P.S. Add me and each other as Friends so you can really encourage each other daily!
  • commit1440
    commit1440 Posts: 456 Member
    My successes - After a bad couple of days following Thanksgiving, I got back on track and lost 3.0 lbs - although 1.4 of that was from the Thanksgiving gain. It's good to have my weight moving in the right direction again.
    - Also, restarted Body Revolution. I've been able to lose weight, albeit slowly by riding my bike trainer in the morning, and walking at lunch. But to keep losing, I really need to add in some extra workouts with weights/circuits. I'm hoping JMBR can do that.

    Challenges - the holiday season is tough. I went to a party last night, and two more are coming up this week. I think if I focus on getting my workouts in, and not worry too much about my weight during this time, I'll be less likely to get derailed. I'll try to make reasonable decisions, but not beat myself up if I fall short.

    I've been trying to lose about 1.5 lbs per week. I've found that can be more difficult than I thought, but taking a longer term view of things helps.