I'm back

AleksD3 Posts: 194 Member
Hi all. I needed a change from calories so I'm back to points. My weight loss hasn't been great, a lot of up 2 pounds, down 3 pounds, up 3 pounds, down 1 pound and so on.

I sat down and went over the stuff and my most successive attempts at weight loss have been with WW (excluding the heartbreak/depression "diet") so I'm giving it another try.

I don't consider it quitting, I consider it walking a different path for a while and seeing what happens.

Hope I'm not the only one still in here lol.


  • aranchmom
    aranchmom Posts: 176 Member
    I have been all over the place with my weight too.. it worked SO WELL when I stuck with WW. I just keep comingback to that! I guess I need to stick with something. YOu aren't alone! :)
  • Raw_Bean
    Raw_Bean Posts: 293 Member
    I rejoined WW earlier this month too. It was the only way I've ever had success with weight loss over the years. Doing it on my own just doesn't work out well for me - it's a frustrating rollercoaster.

    First two weeks I was down a few lbs each, this past week I was up almost a lb. The last week of work (all last week up to Monday) was CHALLENGING! Lunches out to celebrate a few things, so many treats in the office, night time parties, etc. It was brutal. Aside from Christmas Eve and Christmas Day - two other mini brutal eating days (more gatherings) - I am back to it! Gave away all my chocolates and filled my fridge with good stuff.

    Would love to meet others who are following WW and coming to MFP. I haven't double tracked yet but I just may here and there to compare. I love the community feel of WW and the success stories (my motivation!).

    Please add me - would love some WW/MFP friends!
  • Joleca
    Joleca Posts: 29 Member
    Started back again on Saturday.. Too hard to try this on my own even when you have the tools. Lifetime since 1990, but life happened and next thing you know, you're back where you started (several times). this time at my all time highest :blushing: , so I decided to really make a commitment and bought the 6-month "monthly pass". Hopefully this will keep me going and on track.

    So, need all the help I can get, and like Raw_Bean, would also love some WW/MFP friends.

    and Raw_Bean, I am double tracking.. its kind of nice to know the breakdown of what I'm eating and it keeps me from overdoing the "0" point items (since they do have calories).. I've done WW long enough that I generally stick with the really healthy stuff (basically the "power foods"), but you can gain weight just as easily eating to much of that as you can the not-so-healthy stuff.
  • TheMrsCole
    TheMrsCole Posts: 114 Member
    I just rejoined as well. WW just helps give me guidelines more than MFP does.
  • tlog73
    tlog73 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm rejoining next week :)
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    I just rejoined as well. We have meetings at work and the first one will be today. I too will be double tracking just to see how the macros break down. I have always done better using points than calories for some reason...maybe because I make better 100 calorie choices :happy:
  • lippygidg
    lippygidg Posts: 68 Member
    Im still confused on how to convert MFP to do WW points.. can anyone help?
  • llbennett74
    llbennett74 Posts: 132 Member
    Yup, the last 6 months I have been back and forth the same 2 pounds and it became increasingly frustrating so I decided to go back to what worked for me before by counting points. However I'm still logging on here too even though it's double the work because I enjoy the online community here better.
  • gardendolly
    gardendolly Posts: 125 Member
    I enjoy the online community here better.

    You are so right. I have been going to meetings for about 8 months (in the UK), but I don't find the boards very supportive. I don't know about in the US, but they can be very catty - and full of stupid questions! I don't log on mfp at the moment, but I would like to get back into the supportive groups again.