Chuck Taylors?

Hey, All,

I have been CF'ing for a couple of months and I need some new shoes. All my shoes are cheaper New Balance running shoes.

I do a lot of heavy lifting at the regular gym as well as CF because my box (only one in 65 miles) does not necessarily have the hours that work with my weird schedule to get to open gym or to do more WODs than 3 or 4 per week.

So I know there are specialized Oly shoes and Crossfit hybrid types of shoes, but can I just lift in Chuck's? I am an 80s chick and I loved Chucks back in the day and would love to use them for my lifting in general. I know they look goofy but I kind of just like them.

I know they are popular with regular power lifters. Am I going to be doing enough Oly lifting or are the differences that great that I cannot use Chuck's? Or is there something else that something would be better?

I should preface this by saying that while I do like Metcon type stuff, my real passion lies in lifting so I would rather throw more money at shoes that are going to help me the most with this aspect of Crossfit and my other lifting.


  • GymPoet
    GymPoet Posts: 107 Member
    Lots of CT fans for lifting over at forum.bodybuilding.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    They wear out quickly, especially if you do a lot of lateral movements but we have a few guys who swear by them. And they only cost $20-$30, so replacing them isn't price-prohibitive.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Thanks for the feedback. Yep, I know a lot of regular lifters like them but I didn't know if I was going to be setting myself up for problems in CF.:flowerforyou:
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    I've been going to CF for about 4 months and I wear Chucks every time. They were suggested to me by one of the coaches when I first started and I've never had an issue at a single WOD.
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    i wear chucks if i'm only working on strength (squats, deadlifts). i find them a bit heavy and uncomfortable for WODs.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Well I have got some cool purple ones coming. They were on sale for like $38! So even if I don't use them throughout the whole WOD or wind up not liking them at all, they will still be cool shoes for pretty cheap. :laugh:

    I lift a lot outside of CF at the gym where my cardio is swimming (shoeless, of course) so I think I will get some use out of them regardless.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Chucks are great for most CF lifts. For strict Oly however you are better served investing in some quality Oly Lifters like Nike Romaleo 2's ($180-$200).

    They should be fine for most WODs until you get into lateral movements and of course rope climbs are going to eat them alive.

    I myself have Nano 3's and the Reebok CF Lifters. Can't beat them. Just enough lift in the heel to keep my form good on the more technical lifts, but light enough to still WOD in the lifters.

    Keep your eyes open for 40% off coupons to Reebok outlets in your area. They take a bit of the sting out of buying nano's and Lifters.