"Oh god this is hard" support forum.

We need a place where we can all moan and groan about how much we miss chocolate. ;)


  • LukeKatiesMommy
    LukeKatiesMommy Posts: 11 Member
    I go crazy denying myself stuff. Plus its the holidays! I wanna be able to eat all the good stuff I only get this time of year. I have failed so many times trying to eat cleaner.. So this time I am eating whatever and just making myself log everything and attempting to stay within goal. So far I am happier and the scale is slowly moving down as well
  • Lochnessholly
    Lochnessholly Posts: 8 Member
    I really don't think you should ever deny yourself anything, to be completely honest. When I was in treatment, they told us that denying yourself any item of food is unhealthy, because it teaches you that a certain kind of food is bad. Doritos aren't BAD unless you're eating a whole bag a time. Pie isn't bad unless you eat a whole pie.

    I think it's great that you're allowing yourself to eat what you want as long as you don't eat in excess. Keep it up!