
KatyAverill Posts: 166 Member
Hi everyone-I'm new to the group. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 14. My doctor put me on Metformin when I was 19, but I had to stop taking it because it caused me to have a pancreatitis attack. I've struggled with my weight ever since puberty. My highest was 215, I went down to the 160s by exercising a TON, and since starting a full time job I'm back to 175 because I can no longer devote multiple hours every day to exercising.

Last month my doctor suggested cutting out gluten and eating a low carb paleo diet. I'm a pescetarian, so that has meant lots of veggies, fish, and nuts. In the first week I felt better, was no longer bloated, and I lost 9 pounds-then I started cheating by eating carbs here and there and I'm back where I started. I have such an addiction to carbs and sugar-how do you stay motivated to say no? I know that carbs make me feel awful, and I know they're the reason that I have trouble with my weight, but I can't seem to break this cycle. I'm so frustrated with myself.

PS: Feel free to add me on here-I sure could use any extra support.


  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    First, I'm jealous that you have a doctor that actually suggests a Paleo diet. That's awesome (and you have no idea how rare that is). :drinker:

    Perhaps it would be a good idea to not try to do Paleo Pescetarian and just do Paleo, at least for a while? While it is possible to do both frameworks, as you're seeing, it can be difficult. The most successful diet for PCOS with insulin resistance is pretty much hands-down low carb, high fat, whole foods. If you can do that as Pescetarian, then great! But I'd venture to guess that you're not getting enough fat, and that's why you're struggling.

    My recommendation is to try going "regular Paleo" for a while and see if that works better in regards to adherence for you. If nothing else, so you can adjust to a higher fat diet. Then, once you adjust, you can work your way back to Pescetarian if you want.

    Even if you don't want to go that route, the best way to combat carb cravings is by decreasing carbs and increasing fat. It will take a couple of weeks for your body to adjust, so you have to power through it for a little while, but it gets better, I promise! Eating plenty of fat helps, though.

    During the transition period, it's also often good to ignore the scale and calories and just eat when you're hungry, but don't reach for the carbs. The transition period can be rough, and you don't need to be fighting a two-front war. It's kind of like pulling off a band-aid - a little pain up front (in this case, the risk of gaining a little weight), so that you can move on in the long run (be fat-adapted and on your way to losing weight without having to kill yourself with exercise).
  • KatyAverill
    KatyAverill Posts: 166 Member
    Thanks for all of the advice! :smile:
    I really like this doctor-she's really awesome and the first one who I feel has really listened to me.

    It would probably be a lot easier to eat other meats, but eating chickens and cows makes me sad :cry:
    I do still eat fish and eggs, though.

    I guess I'll have to do as you say and power through-hopefully it will get easier soon!
    I'm currently snacking on pistachios for breakfast-I need to search through Pinterest or something and find some more meal/snack ideas.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I never understood the concept of eating one animal over another for reasons other than taste/nutrients/toxins, but to each their own. Everyone has to do what's right for them.

    That said, there are a ton of recipes out there. Most Paleo recipe sites break down their recipes by major protein type, so it should be easy to filter for eggs and fish. They're also more likely to be more adventurous with different stuff (I have a cookbook that uses calamari, for example). Here are a couple of links to get you started:
  • KatyAverill
    KatyAverill Posts: 166 Member
    Awesome-I'll have to check those out-thank you! :smile:
  • navydentalchic
    navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
    I have been recently diagnosed in the last few months due to unexplained quick weight gain. I did the same, was always exercising, mostly because my husband and I like to run 5k's and mud runs. I hurt my ankle/foot at a mud run in march and my weight shot up quicker, even eating fairly well. Did lots of tests and blood work and it turns out I am insulin resistant, hypothyroid..etc. Symptoms associated with PCOS. So, since I was active, nothing raised concern. But when I went to being on crutches for a couple of months, I have been properly diagnosed. Now at 205 (my highest ever, even heavier than when I was pregnant), I am struggling. But I was told to go low carb. I am in a wean off carbs phase verses just cold turkey. I am glad there is a place for us to go! Good luck!
  • LifeRenewed
    LifeRenewed Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Katy,

    I recently joined this group and I can totally sympathize with you. My doctor pretty much diagnosed me with PCOS maybe around Nov. She said I had characteristics of PCOS, so I'm assuming that means I may have a mild case of it and of course she put me on Metformin and Spiro(something). But anyhoo, I definitely have had the same challenges as you do/did in terms of carbs. I changed my diet (cut out sugars, drank nothing but water) around the 29th of Nov and I've lost about 12lbs so far :) But these past two weeks have damn near gone down the drain, smh. It's the carbs! Devil carbs. But if you have any tips or if you've found great sites, please do share! And one thing I try to do is just keep telling myself that I can do it and I can lose the weight. I notice if I don't tell myself this, I just eventually give up. But I'm determined this go'round to lose it and really change my bad habits!
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    So glad to have found this group! I just joined, but I have been having missed periods since around 5 years ago and have gained 20 pounds, partly due to binging (all junk carbs).

    Nice to see people having success on higher fat / lower carb diets to combat weight gain.