Tall women and dating

I just recently started dating again after a long break. Losing some weight has helped boost my self-confidence so I figured "carpe diem."

In any event I met up with a "6'0" guy on a date. I showed up and I was clearly 3-4 inches taller than him. I, by the way, am 6'0 tall.

(Note: I'm not against dating shorter guys; just don't false advertise.)

So we are chatting and I said, "So your profile said you were 6'0 tall."

His response, "Well, I am."

I laughed, stood up from the bar, and said, "Sorry honey, this is what 6'0 looks like."

Needless to say it was a short date.

Pun intended.

Anyone else have a good "tall ladies dating" tale?


  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Sorry to hear about what happened to you. At least you took charge, ended the date early and didn't waste anymore of your time.

    I've been attached to the same man since I was 22 (I'm 37 now) so I don't have any stories, but a couple of my friends who do the online dating thing said they always take away 2 - 3 inches to a man's posted height.

    I wish you the best of luck with your future dates! :)
  • afat12
    afat12 Posts: 178 Member
    Being a tall woman and dating can be hard! A lot of guys are insecure!!
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    yeah dont see the point in lying about height, not exactly something you can fake. well not for a guy anyways.
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I really haven't had any issues of being too tall and dating. I'm sure some guys do lie about height...but if I like them, then it's okay. My ex bf is three inches shorter than me, but didn't bother me at all. This time around I'd like a guy a few inches taller than me so I can wear my higher shoes. :bigsmile: But if he is 5'10''...oh well...jk.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    I've dated shorter guys for the last 8 years. The last two claimed to be 5'11", but I was clearly taller than them (I'm only 5'10").

    I used to date only taller guys. It was nice wearing my pretty shoes out on dates.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    its just such a turn off for me when men lie about something so trite. i dont know though i am Canadian so i was always raised to be very honest and lying to someone was considered rude. also i wouldnt lie about how tall i am because 1. that would be embarrassing and awkward when we met and 2. what the hell is the point?
  • upsidedownjelly
    From my experience with guy friends, they sometimes have no idea how tall they really are. I've had a few male friends insist they were 6'0" even though I'm taller than them (and not 6'0") or even 5'9" when they're clearly like 5'6" or something. I think they're in denial.
  • cdh5068
    I don't mind dating shorter guys (my ex was a good 4 inches shorter than me), but it does bother me when guys lie about their height, it just makes them seem insecure. I'm a bit over 5'10, and 5'10 seems to be the default height that shorter guys claim to be. I hate hearing "you're really tall and I'm 5'10, so you must be what, 6'1?" No...I'm 5'10, you are 5'7. You're not fooling anyone, that's like me claiming I'm 5'5 haha
  • erojoy
    erojoy Posts: 554 Member
    You wouldn't believe the number of times I've been measured at parties, or by bored guy friends who didn't believe me that I was just under 6 ft (i'm 5'11.5'' - doctor say so). The same height always comes up too. I'm not lying....just not an interesting lie anyway.

    But ya I've had guys say to me, 'Oh my god you must be like 6'5'' ' and i'm like, 'uh....noooo' *confusion*

    Where to they make up these numbers from?
  • ginnybrock
    ginnybrock Posts: 27 Member
    No problems with dating, and I'm open to boys being a little shorter than me. In fact, I think I prefer them to be my height or a smidge shorter, going by my history with men..

    I agree with boys over estimating their height. I really think they just have no idea how tall they really are. But it's up to us to set them straight. Can't help but be a little smug when I tell a guy how tall he ACTUALLY is and seeing that ego deflate a little right before your eyes :)
  • HermioneDanger118
    HermioneDanger118 Posts: 345 Member
    I haven't really dated anyone shorter than me. I'm 5'10 and the shortest in my family. My mom always said not to bring home anyone shorter than I am, though now she says as long as I'm happy she's happy. :tongue:
  • celcey
    celcey Posts: 32
    I had no problem dating shorter people as long as they were about 5'10 and up (I'm 6'4").
    What I did watch out for is fetishism....when all they can talk about is my height, weight, or lifting and carrying them ???? big red flags.
    I found that really short guys harbor end these fetishes a lot.
  • artfulpodger
    artfulpodger Posts: 12 Member

    That made me laugh! We don't do short men in our family!
  • artfulpodger
    artfulpodger Posts: 12 Member
    I haven't really dated anyone shorter than me. I'm 5'10 and the shortest in my family. My mom always said not to bring home anyone shorter than I am, though now she says as long as I'm happy she's happy. :tongue:

    he he :laugh:
  • artfulpodger
    artfulpodger Posts: 12 Member
    You wouldn't believe the number of times I've been measured at parties, or by bored guy friends who didn't believe me that I was just under 6 ft (i'm 5'11.5'' - doctor say so). The same height always comes up too. I'm not lying....just not an interesting lie anyway.

    But ya I've had guys say to me, 'Oh my god you must be like 6'5'' ' and i'm like, 'uh....noooo' *confusion*

    Where to they make up these numbers from?

    Thats hilarious! Laughing takes my mind off the biscuit tin :laugh:
  • SeeTessRun
    Years ago I had a job where I had to verify ID with a drivers license. Men almost always lied added a couple inches to their height and women almost always subtracted more than that from their weight.

    I did on-line dating a few years ago and most the guys were pretty honest about their height (I always assume they're a couple inches shorter than they claim). The first guy I met described himself as "about average" in weight, and he had this HUGE hang belly.

    I met my husband doing that on-line dating and we're living happily ever after.
    He's 6'2" to my 5'8" (dreamy sigh).
  • Change_is_Good_
    Change_is_Good_ Posts: 272 Member
    Most me I meet claim to be 6' or 6'2 and they clearly aren't!

    I've recently met a nice 6'4er that I'm tempted to keep.

    When I was single though my girl friends would point out men they considered tall and even sitting down I could tell their height, it almost turned into a game with us haha
  • divainsneakers
    divainsneakers Posts: 397 Member
    Thanks for all of your stories and comments. They are appreciated.

    I've been on a few more dates (with little success). One guy told me I was scary!! I don't know if that had to do with my height or my personality or both! -- Has anyone admitted to you that they were intimidated by your height/size?
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    When I did online dating, I always listed my height, so I figured if a guy didn't like it, he wouldn't write me. I dated a really short guy, and he had no problem with it. I even wore heels! My husband is an inch or two shorter than me. You figure a guy's pretty secure if he's dating a taller woman. I love being tall and rubbing in the fact that our son will probably be taller than both of us. Hubby doesn't care; he loves his tall woman.
  • kapenrose
    I can totally relate to this...all of it! I am 6'2" and if you tell me you are 6'+ and I tower over you, you most certainly have some insecurity issues...hence the lie; so, how are you going to feel walking around next to me? I do not get it. I have become very straight-forward speaking when it comes to the guys, but it has made little difference...they are all as tall as me...until we meet.