Last week of the challenge!!!

JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
We are in our last week!!!!!!! How did everyone do? I was doing good, but then it slllooowwweeeddd down. Since the challenge started, I am down 26 pounds with the goal of losing 32. I knew at the time I set the goal that it would be hard to do...I would have had to lose 2# every week. I highly doubt I will be down 6 more # by Christmas morning. I love setting goals. It gives me something to shoot for. Though I didn't hit this one, I am very proud of myself. I'm down a lot of inches, and am able to wear my size 6's and 7's every single day in comfort. :happy: I've lost 26 pounds in 17 weeks! That's pretty awesome I think. I can't wait to hear how everyone is doing in their last week! I've changed my diet a bit the other day, so we'll see if that will help boost the weightloss. Good luck everyone! Even if you know you will not be able to hit your goal, keep you're chin up and look at where you were 17 weeks ago. I'm willing to bet you look and feel so much better now. :smile:


  • WildlyCurly
    WildlyCurly Posts: 151 Member
    18 weeks ago I started out at 238 and I originally wanted to be under 200 pounds by Christmas. Then I changed my goal to 180 as weight came off quicker than I expected. But as of yesterday I am 179.2, so I am happy. I've also managed to lose 10.5 inches off of hips, and 12.5 inches off of waist. It's a Christmas miracle!!!!!!
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    18 weeks ago I started out at 238 and I originally wanted to be under 200 pounds by Christmas. Then I changed my goal to 180 as weight came off quicker than I expected. But as of yesterday I am 179.2, so I am happy. I've also managed to lose 10.5 inches off of hips, and 12.5 inches off of waist. It's a Christmas miracle!!!!!!
    Wow!!!! Great job!! How are you losing the weight so quickly? What are you doing to be able to lose 3+ lbs a week?
  • dettiot
    dettiot Posts: 180 Member
    I'm still waiting for my new scale to arrive, but based on my broken scale, I think I'm somewhere around 151. My goal was 150 by Christmas, so I'll be close at least!

    Honestly, today I don't care what I weigh, because my workout today was running five miles! That was the farthest I've ever run, and I felt pretty good doing it. My pacing was excellent and I really felt like a runner when I was done. An exhausted one, but still a runner. :-)

    I plan to check in with my final update around Christmas, but I hope we all have a very happy holiday!
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    I'm still waiting for my new scale to arrive, but based on my broken scale, I think I'm somewhere around 151. My goal was 150 by Christmas, so I'll be close at least!

    Honestly, today I don't care what I weigh, because my workout today was running five miles! That was the farthest I've ever run, and I felt pretty good doing it. My pacing was excellent and I really felt like a runner when I was done. An exhausted one, but still a runner. :-)

    I plan to check in with my final update around Christmas, but I hope we all have a very happy holiday!
    Super great job!!!! Very proud of you!!! You have a very Merry Christmas as well!
  • bettbett87
    bettbett87 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm 9lbs away from my goal, having lost 22lbs since starting the challenge. I'm not quite where I want to be but am still pretty proud with myself.

    I gave up calorie counting and just rely on instinct. I've barely been to the gym the last month but the weight is still coming off :-)

    Most importantly for me- I've dropped a dress size!
  • jema_b98
    jema_b98 Posts: 28 Member
    I didn't hit the 30 lb. goal but did manage to lose 23 lbs., since August, so I am happy about that. Now it's time to recommit to healthier eating, to start the new year off right. I'm starting now, so I can get back into a routine before the new year.