Will I get a strike if I post this?

billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
Christmas RANT sorry if racist

Oh, I get that there is a black barbie. I have no problem with that, and now they have started making other multi cultural dolls, action figures. I completely support this 100%. But I live in a mostly white area. Its just were I happen to be located.
So, I did get a barbie no problem, but I was told that my niece is really into Doctor McStuffing. This must be a supper popular items because there is tons of it all over. The only issue is that I could old find the multicultural McSuffing and not the white one.
So I'm heading out again to look for it. My niece is two and I really don't think Christmas is the time and place to talk to a little girl about how people might look different, but we are all the same on the inside. This is like tickle me Elmo all over again.
End rant. GAH!!

Here is what I mean. See there is the white Mcsuffings next to elmo.