Day 1 - New to Reboot

gail200186 Posts: 59 Member
So I just started my 1st day of reboot. My first few days I am modifying the fasting a wee bit, only having the occassional solid meal maybe once a day to start. No meat. No dairy. Just veg and fruits. Lots of water!

Heres what I've eaten:

Day 1:
Pre-Breakfast: 12oz hot water with lemon and a tsp of honey
Breakfast: Carrot, Apple and Ginger juice
Mid-Morning Snack: 20oz water
Lunch: 2 cups kale, 1 cup red cabbage, 1/4 cup onion, 2 cloves garlic and a little olive oil, sauted
Mid-Afternoon Snack: Joe's Mean Green Juice
Dinner: Spring mix Avocado Salad with balsamic vinegarette with Carrot & Sweet Potato "Fries"
Evening: Herbal Tea

My goal is 120 lbs. I'm currently I have 73 lbs to lose. I've tried many different "diets" and "plans" in the past with little help. And I know that this one is going to kick my butt, what with no meat, dairy or breads or pasta involved.

Is anyone else out there just starting out????


  • Hi Gail, I have just watched the video of Joe's 60-day juice fast and I'm feeling motivated. I have a juicer that I need to dust off and a shopping list that I need to get tomorrow, so I will be joining you on Tuesday. I lost some weight but have put most of it back on again over the last few months due to stress and lack of exercise. That stops now so I have begun walking again, which I plan to turn into running over the next few weeks and my diet will be rebooted too. I'm excited! How is it going for you so far?