How to be Successful in This Group

How to Be Successful in this Group

Out of all the groups I've run, only 10% or less actually follow through and stick with the group the entire way. So if you started with 30 participants, only about 3 are left in the end. While those left have achieved great things, even sticking it out through thick & thin, it would be so much more exciting and motivational to have more folks follow through. So here's some things that will help you not be a group statistic :)

***Be my friend*** - If I don't get a request to be your friend out quickly, request to be mine. When you are my friend, you will see each time I post to the group, which will remind you to be part of the group.

***Groups are on the web*** - MFP doesn't have the ability to let you participate in the group on the app. So you will have to be dedicated to sitting down at a computer after work in the evenings. You will however, on your app, be able to see that I've posted to the group...if you're my friend.

***Mark your calendar*** - If you are mostly an app user or are new to MFP or to groups, put a reminder on your calendar to weigh-in or participate in a challenge.

***Post Show Watching*** - will you likely watch live each week or will you likely have stuff going on & record it & watch it after the fact. Don't let this stop you from participating in posting & challenges, even after the majority of folks have already done so. Other participants will be coming back to the group a couple times a week and can see that you've posted recently on a feed & can check & see what you posted.

***Be Honest*** - Having a rough week? Gave in to that birthday cake at work? Gained a pound or two? Share what you have going on & your frustration. Let your teammates encourage you. They might even have a suggestion that would work for you. Trust the process. Work through the process - in good & bad. And let your team support you. Those who do are the ones who make it all the way to the end, because they don't throw in the towel.
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