How the Group Works

Here’s How It Works

We follow the Biggest Loser show episodes. There is a weekly live chat session, weekly challenge and weekly weigh-in. Participation in each awards points. Bonus points are awarded to teams who have every team member participate.

Live Chat
Each week we have live chat opportunity where you can watch the show and chat with your teammates during the show. Maybe you chat during the show and get up & do something during the commercials. Maybe you are like me & only have a desktop computer, so I get up during the commercials & make comments.

Since I monitor the chats for participation points, I can tell you that some folks even use the chat to chat about general weightloss journey stuff and getting to know each other better. It’s always there and available to you. I just check for show chat participation for points.

For those who aren't able to watch live and live chat, simply add your comments and thoughts to your team's chat boards on MFP by the deadline.

Weekly Challenges
Each week there is a challenge. Sometimes it might be more sharing involved or social media involved or diet or exercise related challenge. I try to make them be something anyone is capable of doing. Often I will make it fairly generic and have you determine how you will make it specific to you.

Weekly Weigh-Ins
Each week you weigh-in with your weightloss for the week. We run on the honesty policy, so if you didn’t lose that week, then simply be honest and say I didn’t lose. Your teammates will encourage you, cheer you on and offer advice.

I not only count % of weight lost, I also count points for each person who weighs in. The trick is I also take away points for each person who does not weigh-in. I do not knock points for no weightloss or weight gains. I want to encourage people to weigh-in each week no matter how much they lost or didn’t.

There is a 2 week no weigh-in rule. If you completely disappear & we don't hear from you or see you participating on the boards and you miss 2 weigh-ins in a row, you will be automatically removed from the group and your team, assuming you decided not to be part of the group any longer. Your team leader will make an attempt to connect with you when they see that you haven’t weighed in. But to be fair to the rest of the team members, anyone who misses 2 weigh-ins in a row will be dropped from the group.

If there is a reason you will miss a weigh-in, like being out of town on a business trip, then please message your team leader and let them know. People who don’t have web access often message their weights by the deadline.

Point System Overview:

Weekly Chats & Challenges:
+1 point for each member participation on time
+5 bonus points for each team that has each member participate on team

(Since teams have different #s of participants, I only count up to the # of people on the smallest team. If your team has 18 members & another has 14 members, only 14 points will count for each team to be fair. However, your entire team of 18 must participate to get the team bonus points)

Weekly Weigh-ins:
% of Weightloss - I turn that into a decimal point to add on to the points the individual & team has collected
0 points for weight-gains (there will not be a penalty for weight-gains, but your team won't get points for a loss either)
+1 point for each member that weighs-in on time
-1 point for each member that does not weigh-in on time or does not weigh-in at all
+5 bonus points for each team that has each member weigh-in on time

Weekly Extras:
+10 bonus points for the team that is Biggest Loser for the week
+10 bonus points to the individual who is the Biggest Loser for the week

There will be 2 Biggest Losers awarded in the end:
**Individual Biggest Loser
**Team Biggest Loser

Deadlines: Deadlines for all challenges, chats & weigh-ins are Monday midnight. Your MFP post tells me exactly when you posted. When I post the weigh-in boards each week, I will also post the results from the previous weigh-in.
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