Group Policies

The following policies are designed to create a safe and supportive environment where we can meet without fear of judgment, as well as to create a place that is productive and profitable for all members.

* In order to be fair to all members, we are looking for folks who are willing to commit to the entire 12-18 week journey (or however long the show ends up being). This doesn't mean you have to lose weight every week or meet your end goal. Just that you are dedicated to the process, dedicated to be coming a healthier person and dedicated to supporting your fellow group members :)

* Only positive and encouraging comments are allowed...this includes how any constructive criticism or differing of opinions are expressed. Most of us are hard enough on ourselves and/or due to our weight have struggled with others' unkindness. Anyone that does not follow this will be warned only once, then will be removed from the group after a second violation. Group members may report to me through direct message any group member's post they fill is inappropriate...upon which I will review the posts to determine if in violation of the policy.

* Group members should be losing weight thru healthy and natural means through balanced diet and exercise, not through outside methods like surgery.

* Group members should be aiming to lose a healthy amount of weight each week. Experts indicate this to be around 2 pounds per week. Men do lose more weight each week and more quickly than women. However, unless you are able to exercise all day like the Biggest Loser contestants, none of us should technically be losing 10-30 pounds each week.

* Feel free to air your weightloss frustrations and struggles. However, in the "keep it positive" mentality, do not put down other group members or any feedback they provide in an attempt to encourage your or provide you with helpful information. If the "helpful" group member is not following the "keep it positive" policy themselves, message me to followup on.

*Be Honest. We can only learn, grow and help each other if you are. No one is perfect, and no one expects you to be. We are all on this journey together. Don't claim to have lost 3 pounds when you actually gained one. If you are posting what things help you fight hunger, only post things you actually try and works for you, not everything you can find on Pinterest, just to earn points.

* Finally...believe in yourself :) You're capable of more than you think! I can guarantee you won't be the same person before you started, even if you didn't manage to lose a pound :)
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