What About Protein??


I realize that a juice fast is only meant to be temporary, but how long is it really safe to go without protein?

In the documentary they do the 60-day juice fast...that seems like a long time to go without lean protein when one is exercising.

I have always heard that if we don't get enough protein when exercising that our bodies will begin to break down muscle.

Can anyone shed some light on this for me?




  • flyingjack
    flyingjack Posts: 12 Member
    If I watched the film correctly, It seemed like he changed his diet after the long fast.

    As you are no doubt aware, we are not rabbits. We could eat cottage cheese, for instance.

    With that said, we could, hypothetically, get all our protein from non-meat sources.

    So, you could eat plenty of beans, legumes, and nuts.