It's that time of year...

How were your fitness and weight in 2013? What goals and plans do you have for 2014?

This year I lost 20 pounds training for RAGBRAI, yay! Then I gained nearly all of it back by slacking on exercise and switching to a med that made me eat compulsively, boo. I went off it last week and already two pounds have disappeared, if that tells you anything.

In 2014 I plan to exercise 5x/week and track my food in MFP more consistently (goal of at least 100 day streak). I signed up for a 12-week nutrition & weight loss program starting later in January that includes a 2-hour consultation with a licensed nutritionist, so I want to have at least 2 weeks worth of meal data by then to discuss with her.


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I lost just over 20 lbs. in 2013. In 2014, I want to get stronger, so I've resolved to try new exercise activities. Yesterday, I took my first spinning class. Today, I borrowed Wii Sports & Wii Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010 from a friend. Tomorrow, I'm going to pull my Wii Fit out of storage.

    I've also started adding MFP friends, Fitbit friends, and Jawbone teammates. PM me!

    Also in 2013 I joined the MeFi(t) team on Health Month: I highly recommend it.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I set out last January 7 to weigh under 170 lbs. by January 1, 2014. I met that goal by about 2 lbs., though my weight loss slowed down in the last four months of the year (some of that slacking off, some of it deliberate - my holiday goal was simply to maintain my weight between Dec. 24 and Jan. 2).

    In 2013, I did more cycling than any year in the past, rode 2 centuries, a few metric centuries (including D2R2's 100K route, most of it on hilly gravel roads), and a lot of commuting. In 2014, I want to keep up with the cycling (planning a 200K brevet in April, and maybe a 300K in May), add more serious strength training into the mix, and take off about 15 more pounds.

    Oh, and spend less time on social networking sites (except AskMeFi, of course!).
  • kjbarone
    kjbarone Posts: 12 Member
    In 2013 I lost more than 60 pounds! I'm now within my normal BMI (just barely, but still) and I'm hoping to lose 15 more pounds in 2014. Last Spring, when I had the most weight loss, I was walking - a fast pace - about four times per week. I haven't been exercising for the past several months and my loss has slowed significantly. I know I need to get motivated to exercise again but . . . too many excuses, none of them good.

    About 6 months ago, right about the time I was starting to feel much better due to the weight loss, I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. ****. Now I'm taking calcium, D3, and Magnesium, but I know I need to do more weight bearing excercises.