Introduce myself. I'm 24 weeks

muscati Posts: 22 Member
Hi everyone. I'm new to myfitnespal. I'm overweight and I'm also 24 weeks
I have three kids so far and one on the way.
The last one was a surprise as I had just had a baby. I
My lady one is only 16 months. Lol
Went to the doctor cus I was sick and opppppps I was pregnant! Lol

I didn't get to lose the weight from last one, so I started overweight. And have put on 20 pounds so far.
I went to doctor yesterday and the doctor asked me to maintain or gain as little as possible the next three months.

Ill admit I wasn't doing much before today.
I went to the store n brought a lot of healthy food such as chicken breast , salad veggies and fruit.

I have lost 40 pounds before so I know what I should eat. Lol
It's just to get overt he lazies n not eat candy just cus I'm pregnant u know.
I do walk three times a week.
I have a mini gym in my house so I'll be lurking for ideas. But I'm mostly gonna stick to walking.

So what r some ideas for breakfast?

I hope to make a lot of friends here


  • Nique85
    Nique85 Posts: 105 Member
    Hey there!

    Welcome! I am 20 weeks pregnant, and overweight. I usually have scrambled eggs (or egg whites) with bell pepper and onion. I also have turkey bacon and sometime whole grain raisin bread toast. My doctor has also asked me to gain a little as possible. I am trying my best. Also, if you would like we can add each other to give support throughout our pregnancies!
  • tisdalla
    tisdalla Posts: 32 Member
    Hi there! I'm almost 24 weeks (on Thursday) with my fourth as well and I started out a bit on the heavy side (160 lbs at 5'4"). I've gained 20 lbs already - yikes!!! With my previous I gained 35, 40, and 50 lbs and am hoping to keep it around 35 this time around. Would love some support.
  • hiba_84
    hiba_84 Posts: 177 Member
    Hi there! I am 13 weeks today. Though i started at the lowest weight i have almost ever been at, i am paranoid over weight gain during pregnancy. With my first i gained 55 lbs that took me 2 years to lose! I am trying my best to watch my calorie intake, control cravings to what's healthy and continue with exercise (walking). i try to incorporate some fruits/ veggies in my breakfast with some carbs. I had an Englsh muffin with cheese today, kiwi and cucumber. Other days i would have brown toast with peanut butter or jam. Or eggs with a slice of bread.