January 2014 Challenge!



  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    I've fixed the spreadsheet so you can pre-log miles, but it won't add them to the actual tally until the date of the pre-logged miles is reached. Hope that works for everyone!

    That is a Great Idea, love it! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    Ugh. This quad injury is keeping me from getting the miles in I need for this Ultra. Will keep plugging along but I think that my goal of 175 may be going bye-bye. Will do the best I can! Fingers crossed!!!

    Sorry about your injury, crossing figures for a speedy recovery!
  • vrmqueen
    vrmqueen Posts: 25 Member
    Hello I just joined in the Challenge and my goal is to run 75 miles in January! Slow Start but plan to pick up!!!
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    Just letting you know I am still around! I pulled a hamstring January 1st - kept running for a week despite the pain - thought it was just my back playing up! Saw physio last Thursday and got the correct info. Saw her again today and got told "No running" :sad:

    Hopefully I'll be back SOON

    @Cooriander - how did your "Goofy" go?? What does it involve?
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    Just letting you know I am still around! I pulled a hamstring January 1st - kept running for a week despite the pain - thought it was just my back playing up! Saw physio last Thursday and got the correct info. Saw her again today and got told "No running" :sad:

    Hopefully I'll be back SOON

    @Cooriander - how did your "Goofy" go?? What does it involve?

    Ouch! Sorry about your hamstring. Glad you got a PT. Healing vibes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for a speedy recover.

    Goofy is a two day challenge, half marathon on Saturday, and full marathon on Sunday, both at Disney. The marathon goes through at Epcot, then the Magic Kingdom, then the Animal Kingdom, then Hollywood Studios, and then it returns to Epcot. I really, really, enjoyed the race. It was fun (and was generally a flat course with a few ups and downs for overpasses), but I went slow (and stopped at the 'characters' along the way). My moving pace (discounting waiting in line at the characters) was in the 10s, while including everything it was 11:10 (so just under 5 hours). I could not prepare much for this challenge, b/c of having the flu and an infected blister. I was really, really worried, and embarrassed before these races b/c I was so unprepared. I am happy though, b/c I ran (well jogged) the whole marathon, and still feeling good. My next 'target' marathon is in mid June, and I am hoping to BQ. Not sure if I can, but am going to try and train properly this time around :glasses:
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    Goofy is a two day challenge, half marathon on Saturday, and full marathon on Sunday, both at Disney. The marathon goes through at Epcot, then the Magic Kingdom, then the Animal Kingdom, then Hollywood Studios, and then it returns to Epcot. I really, really, enjoyed the race. It was fun (and was generally a flat course with a few ups and downs for overpasses), but I went slow (and stopped at the 'characters' along the way). My moving pace (discounting waiting in line at the characters) was in the 10s, while including everything it was 11:10 (so just under 5 hours). I could not prepare much for this challenge, b/c of having the flu and an infected blister. I was really, really worried, and embarrassed before these races b/c I was so unprepared. I am happy though, b/c I ran (well jogged) the whole marathon, and still feeling good. My next 'target' marathon is in mid June, and I am hoping to BQ. Not sure if I can, but am going to try and train properly this time around :glasses:

    Wow that sounds awesome! I am hoping to do a half at the end of March but should have been trainging now. Hoping cycling will help keep up the fitness and that hammy feels happy soon.

    Hope your training goes well for your BQ time!!
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    Just letting you know I am still around! I pulled a hamstring January 1st - kept running for a week despite the pain - thought it was just my back playing up! Saw physio last Thursday and got the correct info. Saw her again today and got told "No running" :sad:

    Hopefully I'll be back SOON

    @Cooriander - how did your "Goofy" go?? What does it involve?

    So sorry to hear about your hamstring. Hope you are recovering well.

    @Cooriander - GREAT to hear about your race. Well done given the circumstances.

    I've updated the spreadsheet -- looks like a lot of folks are still on track -- keep it up!

    I have a very long (20+mile) trail run planned for this weekend; wish me luck!
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    @davemunger Good luck!!
  • marikevr
    marikevr Posts: 389 Member
    @Cooriander: a back-to-back HM and marathon is impressive!!
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    How does a femoral stress fracture sound to y'all?

    Yup. That's me.

    Don't think I'm going to make that 175 goal for January.

    Sorry, all.
  • Cheval13
    Cheval13 Posts: 350 Member
    How does a femoral stress fracture sound to y'all?

    Yup. That's me.

    Don't think I'm going to make that 175 goal for January.

    Sorry, all.

    aw man. That's super lame. Sorry to hear it. Hope you start feeling better real soon!
    @Cooriander: you're so cool! that Goofy challenge is a real challenge, and it sounds like the road there wasn't easy.
    @dave: good luck on your long run(s)!
    @leanz: sorry about your injury. Good thing you're seeing a PT. Hope all goes well.
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    @all thanks! i was conservative, and did not push the half marathon.

    @dave hope your 20 mile trail run went well! 20 miles on the trail sounds challenging!

    @MelisRunning - OUCH so sorry, and it sounds so painful. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

    @Cheval13 glad to see you are back on the horse! and recovering.
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    @all thanks! i was conservative, and did not push the half marathon.

    @dave hope your 20 mile trail run went well! 20 miles on the trail sounds challenging!

    Only ended up being 18 miles, but it was plenty challenging!

  • rdianemu
    rdianemu Posts: 132 Member
    Hi All!
    I have run 128 miles so far this month with a goal of at least 150 miles. I just ran the Houston half marathon and had a PR time of 1:56:49. I am happy since my last half in Mar 13 was 2:25 and my previous PR was 2:20. Hope everyone is having a good month too.
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    Hi All!
    I have run 128 miles so far this month with a goal of at least 150 miles. I just ran the Houston half marathon and had a PR time of 1:56:49. I am happy since my last half in Mar 13 was 2:25 and my previous PR was 2:20. Hope everyone is having a good month too.

    Congrats on the huge PR! Awesome month!
  • Melissa26point2
    Melissa26point2 Posts: 177 Member
    I hope it's not too late, being that it's already the 21st. I already added myself to the spreadsheet and filled in to get up to date. Next month, I will be on time :) Thanks!
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    I hope it's not too late, being that it's already the 21st. I already added myself to the spreadsheet and filled in to get up to date. Next month, I will be on time :) Thanks!

    No problem -- you are now in the spreadsheet and I have sorted your info so you are in alphabetical order.

    Updated the sheet on MFP so everyone can see how they are doing. Just one week left!

    I have 52 miles to go and a big weekend planned. If all goes well I should have a 30+ mile weekend.
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    Hi All!
    I have run 128 miles so far this month with a goal of at least 150 miles. I just ran the Houston half marathon and had a PR time of 1:56:49. I am happy since my last half in Mar 13 was 2:25 and my previous PR was 2:20. Hope everyone is having a good month too.

    That is a huge PR! and you broke the 2 hrs barrier! Congrats!
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    I hope it's not too late, being that it's already the 21st. I already added myself to the spreadsheet and filled in to get up to date. Next month, I will be on time :) Thanks!

    No problem -- you are now in the spreadsheet and I have sorted your info so you are in alphabetical order.

    Updated the sheet on MFP so everyone can see how they are doing. Just one week left!

    I have 52 miles to go and a big weekend planned. If all goes well I should have a 30+ mile weekend.

    @dave WOW! when is your Ultra?
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    I have 52 miles to go and a big weekend planned. If all goes well I should have a 30+ mile weekend.

    @dave WOW! when is your Ultra?

    Leatherwood 50-miler is March 29 -- which means I need to peak out in my training by March 9. So really only about 6 weeks left.