Resolutions Anyone?

Romey5 Posts: 157 Member
Everybody has been thinking about it… right? What do you want to accomplish in 2014? I personally have a list a mile long, but plan to narrow it down to just a few things that would result in some big improvements. I'll get back to you on that by next year :) Haha!

In the mean-time my short list is:

Maintain current weight (doing good so far just need to keep it up)
Cleanse/simplify (this applies to lots of things such as my diet, kitchen cupboards, wardrobe, etc)
Find a church.
Build my career in a new direction.

Happy New Year everyone!


  • DrSelenaMyers
    DrSelenaMyers Posts: 260 Member
    Yes, I have been thinking about goals that I would like to accomplish during this new year that God has Blessed me and my family to see. I have many goals/dreams that I'm praying that God will bless me to accomplish, but for now I'll keep it short:

    For my relationship and faith in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to become even stronger!!

    Claiming in advance that this will be the year that I lose 50 pounds!!!