January chat/natter/gossip thread



  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    ooh competition! exciting!
    how long do your workouts take?

    aabru, hope the wrist is ok..
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    First time back at the gym today in about 3 weeks for me! Although I have been pretty active with the dogs and also with decorating the house etc. Still probably should not have gone straight back in at the same weights - my butt is on fire now!

    Girlie - sounds like your coach is keeping you busy there.

    Deb, she can get to parallel otherwise she would not get on the toilet or in to a chair never mind off it. maybe suggest she try some BW squats to get a feel for the movement - bet that would go down really well!

    AAbru - hope all goes well for you with the pt!

    Think keeping the one thread for chat would work well for sure
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member

    Deb, she can get to parallel otherwise she would not get on the toilet or in to a chair never mind off it. maybe suggest she try some BW squats to get a feel for the movement - bet that would go down really well!

    I dunno... I have a bad knee and can't go full parallel for squats either. I can do BW ones fine but weighed ones are hard on my knee.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    I've bought some little notebooks, my thinking is if I write out what I'm planning to do then a) I will do it and b) I won't be depending on my SL app and thus tempted not to do any cardio!

    We will see how it goes.. ;)
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    I've bought some little notebooks, my thinking is if I write out what I'm planning to do then a) I will do it and b) I won't be depending on my SL app and thus tempted not to do any cardio!

    We will see how it goes.. ;)

    That's a pretty good idea! I'm terrible at sticking to a straight schedule, especially when its cold and gross outside. Maybe if I put it on my google calendar (which I use for EVERYTHING under the sun)
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Awww Amy you're not a baby! I've had injuries that felt like injuries, injuries that felt like barely anything until the next day, and pain that I thought was going to be horrible that ended up fine the next day. The body is veryyyyy mysterious!
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    I have an exceptionally nice squat bun today (hair up in a bun so that it doesn't go under the bar when it's on my back). I would take a pic, but my son says that "I take too many selfies for someone who's a mom." :D
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey ladies...well after my christmas eating break where I ate all the foodz and drank all the vodka/wine/irish cream I am happy to say I am only up 1.5lbs.

    Definately not complaining....as it could be ToM weight too (use depo but still feeling a bit of bloat in the girls)

    Never the less gonna get the eating back under control...although today I am over by 200 (1800) went to lunch with my manchild and has cheese and brocolli soup at quiznos...eek.

    But gotta get the protien in so ate a hunk of meat for supper and having yogurt after my bath...yogurt is 100 of that 200 but it gets me to my protien levels.

    DH and I are taking off down south in 40 days...bought two new bikinis for the trip...with any luck I wont shrink from the camera but just shrink...
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    I've managed to get rid of the 1-2 lbs I put on over the holidays and even better, the bloat is gone and I can feel the bottom.of my ribs again!

    Stef, where down south are you going? I leave on a 4 day cruise on Thursday and there will be no bikinis for me! I will be eating all foods and drinking all the tequilas, though!
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    ooh competition! exciting!
    how long do your workouts take?

    Each day is about an hour of weights and then I have football training and conditioning on top of that
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    Hey I ate all the foodz over Christmas and I'm now having to cut quite dramatically for the comp at the end of the month, about 5kgs in total so no fun nights out for me until Feb :cry:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I've managed to get rid of the 1-2 lbs I put on over the holidays and even better, the bloat is gone and I can feel the bottom.of my ribs again!

    Stef, where down south are you going? I leave on a 4 day cruise on Thursday and there will be no bikinis for me! I will be eating all foods and drinking all the tequilas, though!

    We are headed to Punta Cana for Valentines day (Feb 15 actually) for 8 days...sort of a delayed honeymoon since we didn't have one when we got married. Looking forward to the sun sand and surf and buffet...hehe

    The bikini's well I wore them this summer at my sisters pool and feel comfortable in them as long as Im not "running"...:laugh: but I am not nearly as self conscious as I was when I was younger and smaller but softer (go figure).

    Again I will be eating all the foodz and drinking all the booze as it's an all inclusive but at the same time there is a gym at the resort and we are going on a few excursions and my husband is young and active so he wont let me sit too long...:drinker:

    *yes I am that woman...the one who married a man 10 years younger...:drinker:
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    *yes I am that woman...the one who married a man 10 years younger...

    Go, you! :happy:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    *yes I am that woman...the one who married a man 10 years younger...:drinker:

    Mine is 5 years younger... Woot cougars :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Mine is barely 2 years younger, which is just enough for him to remind me I'm older, without him getting in TOO much trouble. :tongue:

    I do have a new, much younger, lifting "friend" at the gym. :wink: I was working on my 60lb bench and he came and asked how long til I was finished. When I finished up, I found him, then watched him bench around 300 lbs, complete with the faces required to do so. I told him I felt like that's how I looked trying to lift 60lbs! Imagine my surprise when this very young, very buff kid started talking to me about how I should be proud of myself for wanting to be stronger and encouraged me to keep at it. He used big words and everything! Definitely not what I was expecting. Since then, I've seen him a couple of times and he always acknowledges me and laughed politely when I offered him the use of my 5lb weight, right before he squatted over 300 lbs (with very good form). Last night, he stopped and chatted with me and gave me some encouragement and asked what made me interested in lifting. I found out he's 21 and has been lifting since he was 12 and really loves it. Two months ago, I would have never imagined me having a conversation like that with a buff dude in the man cave! :smile:
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Hmm, my man is 20 years older lol!

    Your new friend sounds great. I love watching men lift :blushing:
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Speaking of my cruise, I know we'll workout a couple of times, so I need some suggestions for lifts I can do. The ship won't have Oly, or even standard bars, but they do have a good selection of dumbbells and machines. I'm thinking I should replicate the 5x5 workouts as much as possible, but this might be a good time to try some assistance stuff, too.

    So, besides goblet squats, dumbbell OHP, dumbbell DL and rows, got any suggestions?
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Speaking of my cruise, I know we'll workout a couple of times, so I need some suggestions for lifts I can do. The ship won't have Oly, or even standard bars, but they do have a good selection of dumbbells and machines. I'm thinking I should replicate the 5x5 workouts as much as possible, but this might be a good time to try some assistance stuff, too.

    So, besides goblet squats, dumbbell OHP, dumbbell DL and rows, got any suggestions?

    I was just on a cruise after Christmas and that ship had a smith machine (*boo*hiss*) and a cable machine. So I did some things on there. I also did what you suggested above, squats and DLs with dumbells.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    So as I said at the start of the new year I was going to add in HIIT Training...and I did


    Kicked my *kitten* holy crap. 21mins and I am breathless, sweaty but feel great.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Right. I think I have a plan. Continue to run my (fearful, lacking power cleans) version of Starting Strength while I cut, but add in a bit of conditioning (prowler, KB swings) and maybe play around with pullups/chinups.

    Then (and I can't see me sustaining a cut for very long!) I think Texas Method is calling.. it's a logical progression from SS, and the weight increases more frequently than 5/3/1.

    Let's see how I feel about this when I actually look over the precipice!