January workout check in thread



  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    From what I've read, you can get a bicep tear using the mixed grip. It also puts uneven strain on your back. Apparently it helps the bicep to make sure your arms are locked out.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    From what I've read, you can get a bicep tear using the mixed grip. It also puts uneven strain on your back. Apparently it helps the bicep to make sure your arms are locked out.

    Where did you find this? :huh:
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    Just wrapped up my 6th week of SL

    5x5 squats@ 130lbs
    5x5 OHP @ 50lbs (deload)
    1x2 deadlifts@ 165lbs (my 2nd attempt at this weight)

    And just because yesterday I weighed in at 169 lbs, i added 5 lbs to the bar, took a 5 min. rest and did 2 reps at 170!!!! I can now say that I can DL my BW :bigsmile:

    And, holy crap, I'm heavy! :laugh:

    I was pretty much like this right after:

  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Re: Mixed grip.

    I'm not sure that bb.com is the most reliable source of information.

    It is possible to tear a bicep tendon with a mixed grip...if you have bad form. Just like it's possible to create a multitude of injuries if you use poor form.

    Skimstah grats on the Carolton. I mean bw deadlift. I am singing tom jones to you in my head.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member

    Yyou can also use it for "safety" bench presses. Drag a bench in the rack, set the safety pins to your chest level, and then you don't need a spotter because you can just shrink under. Not to mention, depending on the weight you work with, you might not need to be too worried. If you don't actually drop the bar, you can just roll it off. Or not use clips and try to unload the weight plates. Or, y'know, just ask for a spot. People are nicer than you think :)

    And soldier on on the overhead press! It's a tough one!

    I fourth-ed (?) on the no smith machine. And I agree about using the squat rack for bench press. I've done it, may have gotten some weird side looks but I ignore it. Since SL does so many sets (and even when I've dropped to 3x5) I find it weird asking for a spotter so much. But I also go at 6am to a gym with 5 squat racks so I don't feel bad taking up a rack to bench when its not so busy.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Today was my first day back at it after 3 weeks off from barbell lifting (dumbbells in the hotels and the smith on the cruise just don't cut it). Felt so good to be back.

    SL A
    squats: 5x5 105lbs - probably could've gone higher but I normally work out at 6am and not noon so I'll stay here until I see how my weak self handles that at 6am (I'm always weaker at 6am compared to waiting till later in the day)
    rows: tried some dumbbell rows instead of pendlay, just didn't feel right though. guess its back to pendlay tomorrow.
    bench: 5x5 55lbs. also probably could've gone higher on this but I'm taking my time getting back into. Don't want to kill myself the first day back.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member

    Um yeah... that isn't a very reliable source of information.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Well, I really don't think we should take the opinion of those promoting Stronglifts to be 100% trustworthy, either.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Well, I really don't think we should take the opinion of those promoting Stronglifts to be 100% trustworthy, either.

    No one does, at least I don't. I research credible sources and go from there based on my own experience. As anything in life. :wink:
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Hooray for progress Amy! :drinker: Woohoo for bodyweight:drinker: . Booo For shoulder.:brokenheart: :sad:

    I did axle back squats today and got a PR! Highest squat, and highest axle. Hooray. Must have been that gorgonzola burger, and salty caramel shake I had for lunch. :love:


    195x2 lost count but I think it was 2. Yes this is what heavy things do to my Brian.

  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I have a "strongman style powerlifting meet" on the 25th which is axle squat, axle bench, and hummer tire deadlift. No real reason other than that. They suck. The collars don't rotate and it makes it feel wayyyyyyyy heavier. Also I pretty much have to high bar squat to hold onto it which means not as much weight. (in theory clearly I proved that wrong today lol). Hopefully my back is better by the meet so I can bench and pull! :grumble:
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Man, I feel a little inadequate posting after Tree, but it is what it is! :wink: Awesome lifting! :drinker: <here's another couple of shakes to toast wIth!

    I haven't been posting my workouts lately, because I was so busy with Christmas and eating crappy, I haven't been progressing as much as I'd like. I deloaded on my squats to work on form and getting to at least parallel, and I think it paid off.

    Tonight I worked out after not being in the gym since Monday. I've been sick with a cold and not eating much and I could sure tell! My strength just wasn't there, so I did what I could and managed a half decent workout. I can't complain, though. Tomorrow I will be 58 and 2 months ago, I could barely squat the oly bar and had never bench pressed or deadlifted! I can't quite deadlift my body weight, but I can lift twice my age! :laugh:

    I was reading something the other day, wish I could remember where and who said it, but it was bench press tips and the guy said most people fail at the top.of the lift, where your triceps come into play. He suggested putting a bench in the rack and setting the safety bars at a height where you don't go all the way down to your chest, just to where you're at the last 3 inches or so from the top of the lift, to work your triceps. I think I just might give that a try, cause I know that's where I fail.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Happy birthday! I'm off to the gym once Dan gets back from his ride..
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    So a pretty weak-sauce day, partly as I've dropped my calories I suspect.

    Squats - 62.5kg felt very heavy but did 3x5 pretty ugly
    OHP - haven't done since mid-December so dropped back to 32.5kg managed 553 very poor show
    Deadlift - used the 2 prong belt and got it as tight as I possibly could.. 90kg x 5! New rep PR!

    so I'm bouncing :)

    I also ordered my belt (maroon!!) today, a lever one.. so I have high hopes for when that arrives :)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Yesterday did a back and bicep workout and I found myself failing at incline DB presses quite hard :/ I have been neglecting the poor guys for a while, figuring my other lifts would strengthen them anyway. Guess not xD Today they huuurt so good! (My pecs are still sore from 2 days ago too. Yay! lol)

    Today was about an hour of yoga and mobility. I feel so much better now :)

    2 more split workouts (legs and shoulders), 1 more day of rest and then I'm officially tackling SL and I can't wait!
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes, Lydia! Congrats on the new PR. :flowerforyou:
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Lydia grats on the belt and rep PR. For me everything feels like 19732198x heavier when I'm cutting. I mean I can still lift it, but man does it suck!

    Yay for another awesome squat workout except I might have strained a muscle. I'm good at doing that and not even realizing it until the next day. Here's hoping it is fine. For some reason when I was walking to my car the outside of my quad was like "oh ow" a tiny bit. Whenever it's a weird part of me and not like the whole muscle that hurts I usually messed myself up. Argh! I still had an awesome workout so whatevs. I'll heal.

    Barbell front squats:

    175 3x3 becase I completely failed at math and put 175 on the bar first when it should have been 155/165/175. I did my first set and was like "oh that's heavy." Then went to put more weight on, and a lightbulb went on over my head. I just went with it.

    135 2x5
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Good workout! Hope you haven't hurt yourself...
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Cruising scrapper, at least you have just not been posting - I have not been working out!

    Tree - pain is not good - hope it settles down

    Lydia - congrats on the PR :D

    So first time in a few (3 maybe) weeks at the gym. And last week before my next step with Strong Curves.

    3 * 20 Hip Thrusts and 10, 9, 8 * 14kg dumbell rows
    3 * 10 20kg goblet squats and 10 * 10kg dumbell bench. Dropped a bit of weight there but felt better for it and I am feeling much more equal on both sides now.
    3 * 10 * 16kg dumbell romanian deadlifts. The dumbells are still meaning I am struggling with my grip with these.
    20 side leg raises * 2
    and 60s plank and side planks.

    And now I am tired and hungry lol!