All you have to do is do it

schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
My brother posted this on Facebook today:

My nephew Matt turned me on to a quote a few years back that reads “if you want to do it, all you have to do is do it”. Now at first I thought he was talking about sex, but it turns out that A. that line of thinking doesn't actually work with most women and B. I am pretty sure that wasn't what he meant during his speech at Toast Masters. However, I have thought about that quote a time or two while on this journey of running at least 1 mile every day. Today marked three years in a row!! That is 1,095 days for those counting at home and all but one of those days (ran on a treadmill once during the first week of the streak in January 2011) has been outside. This winter has had its challenges. But after all “if you want to do it, all you have to do is do it!”

Thanks to my dog Charlie, my athletes and friends for running and motivating me during many of those miles! Happy New Year everyone!
