Toe Nails?

OK, sorry to gross anyone out, but does anyone (besides me) have issues with their toe nails falling off because of running? I have been an athlete for many years and running has always been a part of my daily routine. In the last year or so, my toe nails have been falling off. First thing I considered, of course, was my shoes were too small. Obviously when you run, your feet swell (or at least mine do), so I got another pair of shoes 1 size bigger than usual, and still my toe nails are falling off - I even bought special running socks that are padded and also tried taping my toes. My second toe nails will never grow back, I'm sure of it, and the others are starting to - however, I think it's a lost cause. Please tell me someone else has this issue and I'm not some sort of alien shedding it's skin. LOL.


  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    I have a snaggle toe. Its the one right next to the big toe. It doesn't fall off but it turns black and gets thick. I also have a gnarly blister at the tip of it. I have tried body glide, toe socks and now am trying new shoes. It was the worst after my second half marathon in May. I got it grow out around September but then snaggle toed it again during Surf City 10 in November.
  • Glad I'm not the only one fighting the good fight. Running is my muse, so I guess I'll just live the rest of my life with ugly toe nails - it's worth it, I suppose. :)
  • laurasuzanne2006
    laurasuzanne2006 Posts: 103 Member
    i have a few that got "loose" after my last race.....So i trimmed them down so they wouldnt snag, fall off, etc.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Are you sure you do not have a fungal infection? They are quite common. (The nails would probably look thick and kinda spongy underneath -- before they fell off, I mean.)
    I have run for 20 years plus and my nails have never fallen off. I have wide feet too and have often run in shoes that are not wide.
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    Its possible that mine is a fungus that invaded after injury. I did a lot of research when I first snaggle toed it and it is very common for a fungus to make its self at home after trauma to the nail bed. My toe is damaged from the running though because right now the whole top of it is purple. Goes really well with my red christmas nail polish.
  • I definitely considered that - I did go to a doctor and had my "clippings" cultured - no fungus. It's a mystery.