New Year Resolutions!

meowmmyx3 Posts: 16 Member
The holidays are great and I do love them but I have to admit that I have zero self control when it comes to all the food. I over indulge on everything. I know I'm doing it but I just can't seem to stop. There's just so much of it and it's all really, really good. This, of course, means that I've gained back the few pounds I managed to loose....insert big eye rolls and huge sighs!! And who has time to enter all that food when you're going to back to back dinners and parties!
The worst was when I did finally enter my food (at this point it had been about 1 month since I had) and saw just how many calories and fat was in all those delicious bacon wrapped cheese stuffed jalapeno peppers.....another big sigh.
So, this means having to start over. And I do mean start over. What passed as my exercise routine disappeared over the holidays as well. Getting back into a routine is tough for me at the best of times. Having to start over with my food diary and exercise routine after not doing it for so long, combined with my disappoint in myself for not sticking to it in the first place, just makes me feel like a failure.
In the past this would be the point where I'd just say forget it and walk away totally disgusted with myself, but secretly still watch what I ate and the scale would become my obsession. Obviously, that doesn't work. In case you haven't figured it out, I have no discipline. This is my problem when it comes to the whole diet and exercise thing. I can't seem to get into a proper routine for my business, let alone exercise, to save my life. So, my New Year resolution is to try and finally find a routine that works for me and stick to it...this is where the discipline comes in....another really big sigh.
Wish me luck.
Anyone else want to share their New Year resolutions?