Talking Dead: Team Mika and Lizzie



  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Awesome - more squats!! I like the resting your mind part too - I really should do that more often I tend to just go go go. I did hot yoga for a while and loved it - they didn't make the class schedule time friendly for my work hours though so its really hard to get there on a consistent basis. I think I will do planks for my core exercise - I have been meaning to incorporate those so now is a good time.

    Let's see about me. I am one of those girls who never had a weight problem growing up. Couldn't hit 110 if I tried. I was always very active and outgoing, doing things like cheerleading, twirl, but was never ever a runner. I joined the Navy and passing the run was one of the most challenging parts for me - could do all the pushup in the world. I started gaining around 32 and no matter what I did it would not come off. Around 40 I was very overweight, how much I don't know because I wouldn't step on the scales, but I went from my size 3/5 to about a size 16 (and I'm only 5'2). I would say looking back now I was probably over 200. I started having hypoglycemic episdoes and it really scared me. I did not want to be a diabetic. I researched online and found Jay Robb. Bought his book and started implementing his practices. Lost back down to around 135 and was back to wearing a size 5 again. After I married my husband about 3 years ago, I slowly started putting on the weight again. I am now almost 50, going into menopause and it has been heck getting it back off again. I still implement a lot of Jay Robb's philosophy, I still do my shakes, really try to cut the processed foods, eat more veggies and fruit. I want to be fit and healthy, not just skinny so I am learing to run (thanks to my zombie run) and am doing more weight lifting. Oh, and I love science fiction, futuristic movies, scary movies and that's where walking dead comes in.

    I'm ready to get this weight off in a healthy way and be fit and healthy for my 50th birthday coming up!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Jchrisman - that is a great story!! Its nice to see why people are on the journey they are and I hope you acheive all of your goals.

    Sorry the challenge was late yesterday guys. Even captains get sick once in awhile. But Im back and if you need me, hollar!!!

    Reminder of this weeks goals:

    190 min cardio
    90 min strength (30 of it devoted to your core)
    6/6 days hitting your nutrition goals
    5 min/5 days of wall squats.

    Remember you all need to hit your goals and turn in your scores at the end of the week - you want a new teammate to help the girls get some kills. Although, if fuzzy bunnies counted as a kill you would have plenty of extra points.
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    Did an hour of yoga tonight, and it actually wasn't bad!! I hadn't done it in a while, so I figured I'd throw in the P90X video. The hour went by much faster than I thought, and I found that I can do a lot of the moves a lot easier than when I first got P90X. I've never been a fan of yoga, but at least I can tolerate it now because it isn't so difficult.

    How is everyone doing??
  • Cali_Mell
    I love that Jchrisman, something that once seemed so easy that now seemed impossible.

    I took a 'me' day today and went to the river. I walked, and walked, and walked. And it felt awesome.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Checking in - had a little tummy problem yesterday so I didn't get my run in but I did do my strength (weights) and my core work and my wall squats. Feeling better today so I'm going to be back at the gym doing my run and then getting some more strength and core work in. All these squats - man I am feeling it. I am bumping up my running too so its a lot on my lower body. I should try to mix it up a bit but I really love doing my zombie run - it helps me to get there and get moving because I look forward to it. I just wish I had a longer lunch hour because after doing my zombie run I am pumped and would probably do another hour of gym work if I had the time.

    I want to step on the scales tomorrow and redo my measurements to see where I am at. I am nervous about doing that because if I don't show loss it really deflates my motivation. But I feel I really need to do a check to see if I'm seeing results. I should be. I have been really good on my food and keeping it below my deficit.

    How's everyone else doing?? Are we going to get another character on our team? Who would you all pick if we are able to? I don't read the comics so Abraham is new to me but he seems pretty bad *kitten*. Also, I think that Tara may be picking up her zombie killing pace in the future.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Who would you all pick if we are able to?

    That is an excellent question!!! Who do you think would add the most value to your team, given what you have seen so far?
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    I think my vote would be for Tara!!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    So I ran my numbers after my cardio today and I will hit my 300 min. cardio goal and hit all my other strength, core, squats goals for the group. So I don't know if anyone needs help with cardio but I will be over mine and will be happy to donate some to a group member if needed. I'd really like to adopt a new character next week!
  • Georgielee37
    Georgielee37 Posts: 113 Member
    Hey I am here ...and will post more tonight. The punishment is killing me...why is it always the legs ???? LOL
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Hey I am here ...and will post more tonight. The punishment is killing me...why is it always the legs ???? LOL

    You're the one that complains you have no butt. This is how to get them.
  • Cali_Mell
    Hey I am here ...and will post more tonight. The punishment is killing me...why is it always the legs ???? LOL

    You're the one that complains you have no butt. This is how to get them.

    I've got spare to give ;)
  • Cali_Mell
    Had a bad nausea incident today, so I did some cardio (slow pace) and was able to get my legs in. Still nauseaus, so I'm going to cut out for the night. Easily under my calories today, haven't been able to keep anything down. Sorry ladies, not extra wall squats to share tonight.

    I vote for Abraham as well- he's a definite *kitten* kicker.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Its Thursday - 3 days left to share something with your team and to hit your numbers. Anyone having problems this week and think they wont reach their goals? Anyone going over and want to donate some time if they can?

    Remember, this week you are also fighting to get one of the top 4 spots so you can get a new teammate.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Its Thursday - 3 days left to share something with your team and to hit your numbers. Anyone having problems this week and think they wont reach their goals? Anyone going over and want to donate some time if they can?

    Remember, this week you are also fighting to get one of the top 4 spots so you can get a new teammate.

    In looking at my totals through today and what I plan on doing the next 3 days I will hit my goals on everything and will have 85 min. extra of cardio and 45 extra min. of strength that I can donate to another member.

    If there is anything extra I can do to help our team get higher points, let me know as I could work on adding more if I needed to!
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    Ah yes! I forgot that we need to do a little write-up about ourselves this week! Thanks for the reminder, tj.

    I started on my journey and with MFP May 7 of 2012, so I'm going on 2 years (already!!) here. I've lost close to 70 lbs in that time frame, so it's been very, very slow going. BUT! I've done this in a way that will be manageable and maintainable if/when I do stop using MFP. I've learned so much about healthy eating and fitness, and I can thank MFP and all of my friends on here for that. I think the hardest thing about losing weight is actually keeping it off, but I know that I'll be successful because of what I've learned and because of the slow pace that I've lost my weight at. Everything I do now is out of habit. I can't even fathom going back to the way that I used to eat or going back to barely ever exercising. It's seems absolutely crazy to me to go back to those old habits. I guess that's a good sign! Lol My husband was the one who wanted us to go on this journey together. He lost around 40 lbs, as well, so we've both lost over 100 lbs together. I also have him to thank for my success!

    Before I started with all of this, my doctor had done my blood work and told me that my blood sugar levels were close to pre-diabetes. That scared the crapola out of myself and my hubby, so it definitely prompted us to take action. My blood work now is perfect, and other than still being overweight I'm healthier than I've ever been. I haven't been this size since I was probably 12-13 years old, so this is invigorating for me :) Ideally, I'd like to lose another 40-50 lbs. I'm definitely happy with the progress I've made thus far, though :)
  • Georgielee37
    Georgielee37 Posts: 113 Member
    Ok Tj told me that I am to tell y'all something about me and since she and I have talk and found that unlike me I am very antisocial on this site for some reason I am really going to try here.
    I have been a member of MFP for a few years and would lose a few pounds here and there but gain it back and stop using the site. Then Nov 11 of 2014 I started back up on the site at the biggest I have ever been 235 since then with a lot of Help from my sis Tj , I have lost 39 lb and plan on losing more. I don't have a set weight I want to be at or size for that matter. I just want to feel happy in my own skin.
  • Georgielee37
    Georgielee37 Posts: 113 Member
    I tried y'all sticker page thing and had to get a photobucket account and it still didn't work but I am done with it today !!!!! I did it twice and it doesn't show. Beside I am NOT a fitspiration I am only a bad example :blushing:
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I hit my goals on everything and have 85 min. extra of cardio and 45 extra min. of strength. I did my challenge wall squats and my core workouts and yoga as required. I hit my food goals everyday staying within my deficit. I did my 5 I run yesterday I'm 50 minutes. Haven't stepped on the scale or measured yet but I am definitely losing as I can tell from my jeans. And I feel stronger! If I missed anything TJ let me know!
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    I hit my goals on everything and have 85 min. extra of cardio and 45 extra min. of strength. I did my challenge wall squats and my core workouts and yoga as required. I hit my food goals everyday staying within my deficit. I did my 5 I run yesterday I'm 50 minutes. Haven't stepped on the scale or measured yet but I am definitely losing as I can tell from my jeans. And I feel stronger! If I missed anything TJ let me know!

    Excellent job this week!
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Remember to check in! Don't forget that there's a great prize this week, the top four teams get to add a new character from the show, who will make them points for the rest of the challenge.