
jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
Hi Ladies!

I am really excited about this group. I think the social aspect of this site is great for support and motivation. As a Mom, we are kind of like Super Hero's. Expected to handle everything from a sick kid to what's for dinner. We do so much for others that at times we can lose ourselves. Hopefully we can help each other out when stress is too high and we feel like giving up.

So I will start-

My name is Jill. I am 33 and have lost about 78 pounds over the past 2 years. When I had my daughter in July of 2009 I left the hospital at 200 pounds. I suffered from PPD and gained a lot of weight over the next 6 months. I fed my feelings. It took me a while to want to change my life. But when I did, I have never regretted it. There are days that are so hard and I want to say why bother... but thats when I come on to MFP and read posts. It helps refocus me.

I have 4 year old little girl. She is a pretty cool kid. We don't talk about weight loss but we talk about healthy choices. Her eating habits are not the best and it is my fault. Sometimes I find it easier to just give her chicken nuggets. 1- I dont have to fight with her and 2 I dont have to cook. I need to work on that.

I work full time in the office of a recycling center. 99% of the time I love my job. I have been here for 12 years. But today I am not liking it. My daughter is sick and I wish I could be with her. I don't have the type of job where I can just up and go. I need to be here. :( But she is safe and sound with my Mom so that does help!

Look forward to becoming friends with all of you and sharing some good kid stories and a lot of pounds lost!!!



  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I am so glad you started this! I am always telling my husband I have no mom friends and no good friends who are active.

    My name is Amanda and I'm 29. I lost 100 pounds about 3 years ago and kept it off. I plateaued at my current weight - about 186 and then last year gained 10 pounds through a series of life events which were overwhelming positive, including my own wedding :) I am now back to my weight that has been my maintenance and working to lose it. I love running and have run a few marathons, though I am taking a break from training as I am trying to get pregnant and really don't want to be pregnant and running 26.2 miles.

    Now I am doing a pretty good mix of running, cross training, and lifting. I also want to sometimes give up and eat and drink whatever and be lazy but I know that I'll regret that.

    My daughter is 7 years old and is a very unique little girl in her own a good way... :) I was a single parent up until last year and learning to coparent can be a struggle, though it comes with many many blessings!

    I work full time in hardware sales and I wish I could say I enjoyed it. Most of my calories are eaten while snacking at my desk so I eat smaller meals throughout the day to compensate for this and prevent overeating. I am also going to school for Dietetics and that keeps me pretty busy.

    It can be so hard not just to keep up with our healthy habits, but to encourage and maintain them for our kids, too. Sometimes, at the end of the day I'm so wiped out I just want to sit and relax. But I know my daughter needs to be active, and Wisconsin winters can make that challenging. So it can be a struggle to make sure she is eating healthy, appropriately, and being active - whether it's Just Dance on the Wii or whatever.
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    Hi Amanda!

    First I want to say... WOW! I am totally impressed with your weight loss and you running marathons! I am jealous of runners. I am not one! I have tried...and at times I liked it. But never enough to keep going. And I think that is key with fitness and exercise. You have to do what you love. I like working with weights and kettlebells. I love upping my weights. It makes me feel...powerful!

    I try and keep my daughter as active as I can too. She is allowed to ride her scooter in the house (buffalo ny here...its pretty cold too!) and roller skate. In the summer it is so much easier to go outside and just play. She takes dance classes and while she loves it, it is only an hour a week. We have just started a healthy eating chart. Everyday we plan her meals and if she eats her healthy food and only 1 junk snack she can get a sticker. 10 stickers = a special day with Mommy. I need to break the bad habits I have given her.
  • wknmom
    wknmom Posts: 73 Member
    Hi, I'm Corinne, and a full-time working Mom of three boys. The boys are 18, 17, and 14. My husband is great, but travels a lot with his work. I have horrible eating habits, have struggled with my weight all my life... sometimes winning and sometimes losing. Two years ago I lost 40 lbs and felt really good about myself. Then 10 lbs crept back on. This past year has been particularly stressful and I gained back another 20lbs!! I know that I can't let stress be my excuse, and that I need to find better ways of dealing with my stress. Exercise is the best for me, but I just got to the point where I hated to work out. I have now introduced both Zumba and Yoga to my life, and am doing better. I am looking forward to getting back to my 2012 weight before summer. I am glad to have a new support group that can relate to my life.
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    Hi Corinne! (i have always LOVED that name by the way)

    Stress is a huge factor for me. When I get too stressed out, I actually stop eating. And that is so bad. I mean 200-300 calories a day until I snap out of it. Every other emotion I use to feed. I still struggle with the stress one. Now instead of feeding my emotions I workout. Even when it is so hard to do it...I always feel better.

    I really want to take a Yoga class. I took one once...and I remember thinking "oh hell no! my body does not bend this way." But i really want to give it another try.
  • 1findlay
    1findlay Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Looking forward to chatting with you guys. I have pretty much maintained a weight loss of 56 pounds but finding it difficult to get the last few pounds off. This is most probably due to lack of time and conflicting priorities both at home, work and university commitments which directly impact my eating habits. What I mean by this is I generally eat on the run or in between charging around balancing it all! As far as exercise goes, I do not get to the gym much at all but have tried to clear my diary to squeeze in at least two sessions per week to help me hit my final target.

    I look forward to sharing in each other's weight loss/ get fit journey.

    Findlay x
  • Steeners
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Christina, 30-year-old mom of 2--a 2-yr-old girl and 10-month-old boy (18 months apart). Back in 2010, I weighed right around 275lbs (I'm 5'9). I went to my doctor because my husband and I had been trying for a year to get pregnant with no luck. My doctor said she absolutely would not prescribe Clomid or anything to help us out until I lost 10 pounds (I have PCOS...we were living in Korea...). Well, I took that opportunity to get serious about losing weight because I really didn't want to be pregnant at 300 lbs anyway, and 3 months and 25 pounds later I was pregnant, with no medical intervention!

    Two weeks after giving birth to my daughter, I was 240. Woohoo! Well, within 6 months I ballooned back up to 275 and at that point joined MFP and a gym, and 4 months later and 50 pounds lighter I found out I was pregnant again! (notice a pattern? LOL.) over the course of that pregnancy, I experienced a lot of work drama which ultimately resulted in losing my job when I was 5 months pregnant--since DH was a stay at home dad, we were now completely without income. Talk about stressful! Thank GOD for our savings and family because it ended up being almost a year until either one of us found gainful employment; we ended up selling our house and moving 5 hours away. I also finally started a new job in November, just over a year since losing my old job. Anyway, all this to say I pretty much ate my emotions nonstop for a year and now here I am, 288 pounds as of this morning.

    I sit at a desk all day and I'm tired of not having the energy to play with my kids after I get home. None of my clothes fit, as I packed on about 20 pounds over Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm so embarrassed at work... I've only been there 2 months, I'm sure they've noticed the weight gain! Oh well. I'm over the eating. It just clicked last week that I was still eating like I was depressed even though I really wasn't anymore. I haven't downed an entire bag of Lindor truffles in one sitting in over a week, so that's progress!

    Here's to 2014! to make myself go to the gym in the morning...
  • A_new_beginning_tmn
    Hello Everyone! I am very excited to join a group of moms. I am a single mother of two daughters, 9 and 5. I work a full-time job as an ER nurse at local hospital, which consists of 12.5 hour shifts, 3x a wk and I rotate days and nights every 3 weeks. So having a set schedule is out of question. I also have a part-time job at a rehab center that I work two 8hr shifts a week at. I have been heavy since around the age of 10, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and was put on large dose of steroids for over 5 years. Doubled my weight and even after being off steroids I was never able to get the weight off. After my second pregnancy, my weight sky rocketed up to 230 lbs. I have never been this heavy. In 2012 I lost 40lbs with in a matter of a couple months of healthy eating and going to gym 4 days a week. Then I sunk back to old habits. Gained all 40 lbs back within 2 months.

    Now I am more dedicated than ever. This is my last year in my 20's, I want to be "Thirty, flirty, and thriving" lol. I want to be a better role models for my girls. I want to be able to walk into any store and be able to pick out a shirt. I want to be able to pick out an outfit and "go with it" instead of trying on 6 different outfits and feeling disgusted with myself. I look forward to a wonderful journey.
  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi everybody, my name's Carrie. I'm 32 and have a 4 year old boy and a 2 year old girl. I work FT evening shift in a hospital laboratory.
    I used to be really skinny as a kid up until I was 20 or 21. Then I got lazy about exercising and eating well. Slowly gained weight till I got to my holding point of around 180. What was my big kick in the *kitten* was my hubby getting diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in October. He's now very gung ho about getting healthy and has lost like 40 lbs since then. I'm finally doing really well with working out on a regular basis and watching what I eat so I feel really positive this time.
    Looking forward to talking to you ladies more!
  • jaclynkay92
    jaclynkay92 Posts: 42 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Jaclyn. I am 21 years old and I have a 14 month old son. I am a single mom. I work as a waitress and only have about a year left of school before I graduate college. I used to be smaller in high school. However, after high school I gained more then just 15. I am getting back on track in order to be the size I was when I graduated I only have to lose 9 more pounds. I want to be the the size I was as a freshman. In order to do that I have 39 more pounds to lose. These last couple of months helped me realize that my goal isn't just a dream it could be a reality if I keep applying myself and find people who will motivate me and I can return the favor to. Feel free to add me. :D
  • srkbaker
    srkbaker Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all, I'm Sarah. Jill thank you for setting up this group. I'm a 38 year old mom of a special needs 4 year old. To put it simply, I'm a sugar addict. I weigh more now than I ever have. I use to commute by metro which would allow me to get off a stop early and walk in the morning and now I commute by car. And the differenceis staggering. The only way I will get excerise now is if I make it happen. I'm also having a hard time giving up sugar. My cruch is candy. I simply can't be around it.

    What motivates me most is my health. I grew up with a mom who was mobidly obese throughout my
    Childhood. Both my parents had type 2 diabetes. Both parents had heartattchs. I need to succeed this time in my weightloss. I'm happy have this group.

    Btw can anyone recommend a cleanse? I'm not using it for weightloss as many as getting the refined sugar out of my system.

    Good luck today!
  • kerbyd13
    kerbyd13 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Gabby, I am a mother to a 5 year old and an almost 2 year old. I am an accountant so desk job all day! I wake up 4:30 to 5:00 am to go to the gym, I have already lost 62 lbs and I started the New Rules of Lifting for Woman program today and I am very excited to get some muscle. It has been the biggest sacrifice Ive made but the most rewarding. I am open to answer any questions that anyone may have and im hoping to make friends and accountability buddies. I don't always log but i have a pretty good idea of what my body needs so I wing it sometimes but i am going to make a bigger effort to log everything. I want to lose 15 more pounds.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Hi All,
    I'm Karen, 39, and I work full time as a project manager, and have boys ages 5 and 2.5. I've never been a dieter, I've never counted calories or really worried too much about my weight. When I was young I was thin and active, cheered in college, but then as I got older the weight has been steadily creeping up for the past 10 years or so. I just attributed the weight gain to aging, having kids, metabolism slowing down, etc and didn't really intend to do much about it. Last year my mother passed away after having a host of health problems her entire life, and I started thinking that I might want to pay more attention to my health. One day last February, out of curiosity I was trying to find the calorie count in a meal I had eaten at a restaurant, and stumbled on My Fitness Pal. I signed up for a membership and have logged every day since! I put in small goals at first 10 lbs, then 20 lbs, and my current goal of 25 lbs reflects a buffer of about 5 lbs that I'd like to lose if possible, but if I don't lose and just stay where I'm at I will be happy with that.

    I am extremely happy to have found My Fitness Pal, and also very grateful that my husband (who loves to run) is supportive of me needing time to make exercise a priority.

    Looking forward to meeting some other women with similar situations/challenges as far as work-life balance!

  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 303 Member
    Hi all!

    I am Tricia, 27, and I work as a financial and academic advisor at a college in Arizona. It can be wonderfully rewarding but extremely stressful.
    This is my second go at MFP. The first time was a raging success! I started my weight loss journey and lost 30 pounds after my second child turned one and I was feeling so wonderful.
    Fast forward a year and I was asked by my employer to move to a different (higher anxiety) department, I started grad school and about a million other little things started adding up. I dropped my health conscious aspect of life because I felt I just somehow didn't have the time and now I cringe. I had done so well and worked so hard yet no one really cared when I stopped caring.

    With two little ones at home, a 7 year old girl and 2.5 year old boy, my home life is busy busy! I love to cook and eat but that is part of my problem because I really have to work hard to include the good veggies. My husband has a very labor intensive career so he doesn't show the physical damper as much as I since I have a desk job. And he doesn't really participate in meal prep which is fine, I just wish he would help with the dishes.

    With high levels of stress and poor lifestyle in the family I suffered, but no more! I am here and focused on doing better this go around. Love my kids but if you look at the extended family obesity and unhealthy habits run rampant. Can't let it gain a foothold in our lives.

    Can't wait to get to know you all better and wishing us all good vibes on this exciting journey.

  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    Hi Everybody..I'm Kara. I work full time at a desk in front of this computer here... I just got married in July to the love of my life. We have been together for 9years with three kids together two of which are mine and his our daughters then his son...Our girls are 6 and 4 and my step son is 17... The girls play spring and fall soccer and I'm a busy Girl scout troop leader for my oldest daughter and soon for both girls... With Girl Scouts comes Girl Scout cookies and being the awesome troop leader I became the Cookie Mom which means I keep our troops cookies at my house and make sure we have the orders in and money in on time... I'm very busy right now with cookie season starting up this weekend and soccer starting up next month...
    BUT I make time for me and my work outs even if I'm up all night to make sure it gets done... I'm starting to run again and just starting doing Insanity last week I'm hoping to start lifting in April after I lose 10lbs or so...
  • saarinencelery
    saarinencelery Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I am a single widowed mom of two elementary school boys -- 7 and 11. I've been a single parent since my younger child was a few months old. I have struggled with my weight since college but gained a lot when my husband was sick and I had the children, going over 200. I lost more than 30 lbs using this site a couple of years ago. Then I went from part-time to full-time work and gained most of it back when my exercise routine fell apart. I have a fairly good diet, but eat too much when stressed and really have to stay away from sugar. I have to figure out how to get more active. I am tired and just do not feel healthy.
  • Forever4me
    Forever4me Posts: 76 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Allison. I'm a single mom of 3 amazing children - 15, 9 & 4. I also work full time in corporate finance as a business manager. I'm so so blessed with all that I have in my life - a great job, wonderful kids, a nice home and yard but being a single mom is tough. I have my oldest all the time and my two younger children 60% of the time. I don't have any family close by to help, and my friends are married with their own lives. I'm absolutely terrible at asking for help. I've struggled with my weight my whole life... as high as 240, as low as 150, but usually hovering in the 170-200 pound range. My whole family struggles with weight and we are cursed with poor metabolisms.

    My problem is that I've always worried about making others happy; taking care of everyone else first. And after my ex left, I really struggled with figuring out how to do this all by myself; he left when my little guy was exactly a year old. Eating well and exercising weren't even on the priority list. So now, I've finally have come to a couple of realizations. 1) No one will take care of me EXCEPT me. 2) Who cares how long it takes to lose it because I will NEVER have to lose it again and 3) Life is all about choices, and I'm so blessed that every moment is a new opportunity to make a better choice. Maybe I choose the burger and fries, and choose to enjoy them, because I know I can (and will) choose to exercise more tomorrow or eat less. So I'm in this for the long haul.

    I know we all have our own stories that have defined who we are, have taught us many hard life lessons. Very few of us have had easy, simple lives, and that's why I'm so happy to be part of this group! Because we can share, encourage, commiserate, and support!
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    Hello moms!

    My name is Gretchen and I am 32, mom to a 5.5 yr old girl and 2.5 yr old boy. I have worked in a property insurance -related office for the past 6 years. The drive to work, traffic, kids, is all a struggle, and then adding in healthy eating and exercise. No wonder wonder am I so stressed out, lol.

    I joined MFP last January and was doing well through the spring & summer, lost about 10 pounds. I am short and petite, so it was a big deal to me and I had to buy new clothes which was a lot of fun. Then we went out of town for our anniversary in August and after that I completely lost my motivation to keep working out, but was still eating with calories counts in mind. But then the holidays happened and I just through all my rules out the window, lol. I gained about 3-4 pounds back, but all in my mid-section, as usual. I have been feeling bloated and crappy lately and I know it is due to why I have been eating.

    Here's to a new year!
  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    Hi Everyone!! I'm so excited about this group!! :) feel free to add me. "Moms are the people that do whatever it takes to get whatever it is DONE. period."

    I am a single mom with sole custody of a 7 yr old girl. Love that kid, she is my life. :) I work, do all errands, know what i am talking about. I never had a problem with weight until my pregnancy. It was a nightmare. Ended up gaining 85lbs. Got it all of about a year after she was born. It was off for a few years and then out of nowhere 1/2 of it came back. I tried last year to get it off & got depressed when it wasn't instant and when I worked out like crazy, I got hurt because i was out of shape and then I just gave up. I just sat back and accepted it until last month. I looked in the mirror, didn't really like what i saw. I realized that I don't take any time for myself. Every thing I do is for her. (not complaining)

    So 24 days ago, I started on here. Tracking everything I ate, adding the few workout DVDs i did and am motivated that THIS IS THE YEAR i take a little bit of me time. Time everyday to plan meals and some workouts because i'm worth it! My struggles are late night eating, sugar cravings, and getting those workouts in after she goes to bed.

    looking forward to getting to know all of you and all the changes and results this year!!
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Hi Amanda!

    First I want to say... WOW! I am totally impressed with your weight loss and you running marathons! I am jealous of runners. I am not one! I have tried...and at times I liked it. But never enough to keep going. And I think that is key with fitness and exercise. You have to do what you love. I like working with weights and kettlebells. I love upping my weights. It makes me feel...powerful!

    I try and keep my daughter as active as I can too. She is allowed to ride her scooter in the house (buffalo ny here...its pretty cold too!) and roller skate. In the summer it is so much easier to go outside and just play. She takes dance classes and while she loves it, it is only an hour a week. We have just started a healthy eating chart. Everyday we plan her meals and if she eats her healthy food and only 1 junk snack she can get a sticker. 10 stickers = a special day with Mommy. I need to break the bad habits I have given her.

    I LOVE this diea with your daughter with the healthy eating chart. I may need tot ry that. I'm so focused on nutrition and I know where I fail. But I also don't want her to be the same way I am and I just want her to understand healthy eating as a whole without calorie counting, etc. That's such a great idea!!
  • ELMunque
    ELMunque Posts: 136 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    My name is Ellisa, I'm 33, married, mother of 6. My husband and I both work fulltime, me 8-5, and he works 12 hour shift mostly and deploys about 70% of the year. My kids are:
    17 yr old boy
    16 yr old girl
    13 yr old boy
    13 yr old girl
    12 yr old girl
    10 yr old girl

    Luckily I don't have a bunch of little ones anymore and they don't demand as much "stop what your doing" time from me. My girls all work out with me at night, when we have time, time is a big issue. My 13 yr old boy is in band, FFA and NJHS, so he has a lot of extra after school activities and my 12 yr old girl is special needs and she is an athlete in the special olympics during track and equestrian seasons, but we are involved with the special olympics all year long. So plenty after school commitments. My excercise is about 90% dance (so the kids will play along) and we have recently gotten into yoga because it has don't amazing things for my special needs daughter.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone!