Jan 5
Posts: 94 Member
Today's inspirational quote is by Linda Segall Anable, in her Horizon Newsletter (not an official SGI publication) at: http://lindasegallanable.com/horizon/current.pdf
"The work you do on your life is the
foundation for peace on earth;
enlightenment is the awareness of our
universal connectedness. We are all One;
we are all Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. As
Nichiren said, “...the entire realm of
phenomena is no different than the five
characters of Myoho-renge-kyo” (The True
Aspect of All Phenomena
, WND, p. 383).
Those who believe in separation are under
the illusion that they may be exempt from
the law of cause and effect. Dependent
Origination (nothing exists independently)
means that, like it or not, we’re all in this
together. This realization should also
awaken us to the immense power of our
individual lives. Everything we do, think or
say affects everything else. That’s a huge
All of us, traveling our individual
paths, provide mirrors for everyone else, in
all realms of time and space. No one is
exempt from the giant matrix that is life in
the universe. As bodhisattvas, our goal is to
help people understand that; then no one
will ever need to endure feeling isolated or
alone. Oneness means we are all unique
and creative entities comprising a larger
whole, just as there are smaller wholes –
our individual cells – that comprise each of
us. Uniting, on any level, expands our
awareness of who we are. That’s how we
achieve world peace. "
"The work you do on your life is the
foundation for peace on earth;
enlightenment is the awareness of our
universal connectedness. We are all One;
we are all Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. As
Nichiren said, “...the entire realm of
phenomena is no different than the five
characters of Myoho-renge-kyo” (The True
Aspect of All Phenomena
, WND, p. 383).
Those who believe in separation are under
the illusion that they may be exempt from
the law of cause and effect. Dependent
Origination (nothing exists independently)
means that, like it or not, we’re all in this
together. This realization should also
awaken us to the immense power of our
individual lives. Everything we do, think or
say affects everything else. That’s a huge
All of us, traveling our individual
paths, provide mirrors for everyone else, in
all realms of time and space. No one is
exempt from the giant matrix that is life in
the universe. As bodhisattvas, our goal is to
help people understand that; then no one
will ever need to endure feeling isolated or
alone. Oneness means we are all unique
and creative entities comprising a larger
whole, just as there are smaller wholes –
our individual cells – that comprise each of
us. Uniting, on any level, expands our
awareness of who we are. That’s how we
achieve world peace. "
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