So I ate today.

So I ate today right?

I had breakfast. No biggie, lots of people eat breakfast. But I’m not most people. I felt okay about my body. And I was like “**** you ED I’m the boss of me” and I ate some nutella on toast. And it was delicious. I’ve always loved nutella, but it became a fear food for me. But I got some for Christmas. And I ****ing ate it. Like a boss. Only now, I’m like OH, **** because my ED is now screaming at me becasue we were supposed to be detoxing which means water, tea, and staying under 600 cals, pulls I was over 1000 cals yesterday. Well, my breakfast today was 497 alone. And I’m sick and on my period, so I feel awful with no energy, but I can feel my ED telling me to go exercise and get rid of all those calories.



  • themo90
    Hey, f**ck ED - Nutella is GREAT! And every girl out there knows there's no way to get through your period without chocolate right?

    When my ED does that do me I try to tell myself that every food that makes me happy is happy food, and happy food makes happy endorphines, and happy food make you feel good so then it can't be too bad?

    I know it's easier to say and do - but tell ED to get some Nutella and shut the *kitten* up, because chocolate is heaven and life is to short to not eat chocolate. ;)