Fitbit Friends/My Fitness Pal Friends!

rbarzat Posts: 11 Member
Beautiful, fabulous, Mamas! Are any of you using a Fitbit now that you're pregnant? Want to be friends? And do any of you want to be Fitness Pals during this next 9 months? I'm 33 (will be 34 in a couple of weeks) and my husband and I just found out we're expecting Baby #4! I'm not usually the one making posts about making new friends but I'm pretty h*ll-bent on making this my healthiest pregnancy, yet, and I think I'm going to need ALL the motivation I can get! :) My Fitbit id is: 2BC9MZ - send me a friend request! How far along are you? Which baby is this for YOU? And how are you staying fit while growing a human? :)


  • Nique85
    Nique85 Posts: 105 Member
    Congrats!!!!!! How far along are you? I don't have a fitbit, but if you want to be friend on here I would love it. I'm trying to make this a healthy pregnancy as well. This will be baby #2 for me. I have a 2 year old (which I gained wayyyy to much weight during her pregnancy). So I'm trying to make up for it with this pregnancy! I haven't been able to workout because of school, work, ect. But I am mainly focusing on keeping "healthy diet". So far so good. I've only gain 5 lbs and I'm 22 weeks!
  • jmyrtle
    jmyrtle Posts: 44 Member
    Hi I would so love more Fitbit friends my ID is and I am trying to keep this pregnancy very fit and heathy I just lost 40lbs and currently am active in my 16w so looking for new friends to keep each other accountable on MFP too so feel free to add me to both!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I am on FitBit but have never added a friend on there and don't know what my ID is - how do I find out?
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    congrats! I had a fitbit, but it eventually broke after a year and a half of use and one accidental trip through the laundry. I have thought about getting another one.. but feel like now that the novelty has worn off its really hard to fork over the $100 for one .. or even 70 for the smaller one.

    I did use it on a daily basis, but found I used it more to track current movements and steps verses actually using it to motivate me to walk/ run more. I think if I did use a similar tool again in the future I would go with a HR monitor instead...

    Feel free to add me here though! I am on MFP everyday and I am expecting Baby #1 this September!