How cold is too cold to run outside?



  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    I commend people like Carson who did zero treadmill miles last year! I am just too chicken for long sub zero training runs outside.


    420 days since my last treadmill run.

    on a side note, Carson this is awesome!!!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    OMG !! I feel like a wuss compared to you all. I would never consider running outside in any single digit temps let alone negative temps. You are all brave, I admire and commend you all !!

    The coldest I have ran in is 35F, but I am also in Southern California so we don't get the frigid weather. I would have to move to the mountains to get anywhere close to the cold temps you all are dealing with.

    I've had a couple of runs in the mid to high 20s. They weren't too bad. If it's not too windy it's fine with gloves and a hat and a long sleeve under armour shirt and a shell jacket and long pants. I'll run in shorts down to the high 30s. Short sleeve shirt to the low 40s.

    But I live in Central Texas so we don't get a lot of REALLY cold weather and I'm not really equipped for it so I too can't imagine running in single digits or below.
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    I commend people like Carson who did zero treadmill miles last year! I am just too chicken for long sub zero training runs outside.


    420 days since my last treadmill run.

    on a side note, Carson this is awesome!!!

    I don't like treadmills much either but they were a lifesaver when I was recovering from my recent knee injury -- uphill treadmill walking was about the only exercise I could do that actually gave me an aerobic workout without hurting my knee. I will also do short TM warm-ups and cool-downs at the gym if it is rainy out. This is mainly for the other gym patrons, so they don't have to use equipment that has been used by a wet rat.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Coldest I've done was 23* F last fall in Vermont. I don't run in winter because that's prime bulking season. I have to say, I don't like much below 40*, though.
  • KristiRTT
    KristiRTT Posts: 346 Member
    My coldest run so far was -15f windchill temp, the air temp was 4f. It was actually one of the most enjoyable runs in a long while! I wasn't cold, I had 2 layers on the bottom and 4 on top, and I felt like such a bada$$! My eyelashes had frozen from my breath by the end of the 6 miles!

    It was -25 a few days ago and I wimped out and did the treadmill!
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    Hahahaha... love the treadmill comments... it like giving up smoking... its been treadmill free for a week now!
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    This Florida wimp doesn't like to run if it is below 40 out.
    And I prefer it in the 60's and 70's.
  • FiftyandGettingBetter
    WOW, I fee like a wimp after reading from some of you. lol. Being here in the south (Alabama) it normally doesn't get that cold, but thanks to global warming... and the Polar Vortex ~ it was very cold (for us) last week... 13 degrees... I did wait and run in the afternoon that day. The coldest I've run in was 26 degrees and it was very cold. When I ran this morning at 5:00am it was 34, and after about a half mile... it felt great.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I think it was around -25°C when this picture was taken (it was actually a very nice day, sunny and very little wind)

    The coldest (that I'm aware of) that I've run in is about -34°C . For me it's not the temperature but the road conditions. We had freezing rain last week which meant suffering with the dreadmill for a few days. When I went for a run outside last night it was glorious.