Week one- how did everyone go?

So in Australia, it's a week into the new year tomorrow morning and I'm wondering how everybody went?
I did pretty well myself. I learnt to avoid the urge by allowing myself more calories within my diet (to avoid feeling deprived of any type of foods etc.)
I made sure I was completely distracted at night time, because this is when my binging is at its very worst. I'm also working on becoming very in tune with my thoughts and constantly remind myself that I am in complete control of my thoughts and thus actions.

I'm also trying not to focus on any numbers on the scale because I feel like any disappointment in that area may trigger me to binge.

That's my thoughts for the week and I hope to hear from you guys? How did everybody else find the first week?


  • I've done fair this first week. I didn't binge on chocolate like I thought I would, but the cravings are definitely still there! I just started my night shift rotation. I'm a little worried how that will impact my routines. I've been at this job for three years and still haven't figured my eating habits out. I have so much to learn!
  • musetle
    musetle Posts: 70
    I've done fair this first week. I didn't binge on chocolate like I thought I would, but the cravings are definitely still there! I just started my night shift rotation. I'm a little worried how that will impact my routines. I've been at this job for three years and still haven't figured my eating habits out. I have so much to learn!

    a night shift would be tough I imagine. But great job on the chocolate this week!
  • noodle412
    noodle412 Posts: 30 Member
    My first week could have been better, but it also could have went worse. I did continue to log everything, so I consider that a step in the right direction. The past two days have been a little off for me, hoping to get back on track today!
  • Mother_Warrior
    Mother_Warrior Posts: 44 Member
    I've done okay. I had one day where I didn't do well, but other then that... it's been a struggle but a success!
  • I've been doing exactly what you've been doing; and it seems to be working well! :) I no longer deny myself foods that I want, I just have them in moderation to help control binges. And I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables to keep me full.
  • soupandcookies
    soupandcookies Posts: 212 Member
    I found you! I don't know why it took me so long to find the group! I'm doing pretty well. I am challenging myself to eat intuitively this month, so I'm not tracking. I am binging WAY less when I let my hunger and body guide me, as opposed to letting the calories control what I eat. I've lost a pound so far, since starting doing this on January 1st. I only have 10-15 more pounds to lose, so this is great for me!
  • waffletops
    waffletops Posts: 22 Member
    So far so good for me.. I've managed to resist the urge to scoff, although it has been hard because the temptation is always there.
    If I distract myself and stay focused then I do ok.

    Weekends are my downfall though, so I'm taking it one day at a time.
  • NeIIaBeIIa
    NeIIaBeIIa Posts: 31 Member
    Not too bad! I've been OK since NYE... I could see people looking at me - I kept going back for more and more and more - but I just couldn't stop eating crackers and dip! haha

    I have to remember to COUNT my almond snacks - not mindlessly eat them at my computer. Better than choc or chips, but they still add up fast. So for the next week - MINDFULLY eating will be my goal.

    Don't know about you fellow binge eaters - but I find MFP just great to make me stop binging and THINK. The fear of counting and logging something huge and gross that I am considering inhaling is, 99% of the time, enough to not let me do it. I'm sure no one looks at my diary, but I still don't want to record what I did! No way...
  • waffletops
    waffletops Posts: 22 Member
    Don't know about you fellow binge eaters - but I find MFP just great to make me stop binging and THINK. The fear of counting and logging something huge and gross that I am considering inhaling is, 99% of the time, enough to not let me do it. I'm sure no one looks at my diary, but I still don't want to record what I did! No way...

    I totally agree with you.... the thought of logging all the calories of a massive binge out totally freaks me out, so yes MFP keeps me focused.
  • amina_a10
    amina_a10 Posts: 75 Member
    This week was okay! I was on vacation for the first three days, and that made it difficult. It was a blessing in disguise though, because I was able to enjoy some treats but because I was at a restaurant, enjoy portion control! I haven't binged at all and have been on track with my exercising. Here's to an awesome 2014. I also feel so blessed to have found a bunch of people on here to pm with and hold eachother accountable!
  • I've been really proud of myself this week - not a usual state for me. Last year around the holidays I was doing great up until NYs then fell of the wagon which then reversed back over me 3 or 400 times. This year I haven't beaten myself up for any extras, and while I can feel that part of me which wants me to scoff the whole packet + pantry if I have one cookie, I've managed to keep it in its cage despite being in situations where I can't be precise with counting or have full control over what I'm eating (i.e. being a normal person!).

    So happy to hear everyone else is doing well! Lets keep it up :)
  • musetle
    musetle Posts: 70
    So happy to hear that everyone had successes one way or another! I totally agree about keeping with the accurate logging- almost scares you straight! lol
  • zamara1114
    zamara1114 Posts: 13 Member
    It was a good week! Going one week without a binge is the longest I've gone since August. Today has been hard because I'm home sick - for a lot of people being sick makes them lose weight, but for me it's the opposite it takes away my ability to exercise or go out and distract myself, and it throws me off my routine which is also risky. But I feel really good about this past week and I don't want to lose my progress, so I've held in there! Just taking it one hour at a time today!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    Week one went well for me. My binge eating is tough because I often eat in my sleep & don't know exactly what or how much I eat on some of those binges. I wake up with food wrappers or partially eaten 'meals' in bed with me, a horrible taste in my mouth, a ton of guilt & I feel like I'm starving to death the day after a binge. That starts a bad cycle for me but this week hasn't been like that! I haven't binged and I think it comes from redoing my settings and having more calories each day. I also have been eating closer to bedtime. I know a lot of people say not to eat after 7pm or 9pm or whatever. I don't like going to sleep without feeling full so I'm going to eat whenever it works for me & give myself this 8 week window to be healthy & not food obsessed.
  • The_Raspberry
    The_Raspberry Posts: 84 Member
    This week has been good for me, and I've sticked to or close to my calories every day. However, cravings are coming on stronger this week, hopefully it will pass as my body gets used to not being filled up by crap every once in a while.

    A question I have concerning the rules of this challenge: What is the take on cheat days/cheat meals? Say I plan to eat a bag of crisps and a burger on saturday, knowing it will take me over my calories, but it is planned and not a spur of the moment thing? Would I still be sticking to the challenge?
  • I just started so its only been 1 day so far without binging. 4 me that's a great start, because I was binging every night. I suspect this was due to mindless TV eating, depression, boredom, and that voice in my head that always says I can "start" tomorrow... so I better eat everything tonight... this became an every night thing and days turned in to weeks and months and years. I have to say that I feel great this morning without that feeling of regret and fullness. I can do this, and so can you! We are worth it.
  • MissySpring
    MissySpring Posts: 442 Member
    So happy to see everybody finding positives in their week! I've had a good week. I've found that if I let myself get too hungry, I tend to binge. So, I've set up alarms on my phone for every 2 to 3 hours. I'm having a Pavlov response to my phone dinging ;) If I get hungry between "meal times" I really force myself to address whether I'm hungry, bored, or stressed.
  • My week started on Sunday so I am only half way there but it is positive so far. I have been active every day of the week. I had one binge day (Sunday night) but not one since then.

    I ate healthy dinner and did not snack. Not snacking has also helped me focus on other important tasks that need to be completed at home instead.

    I am hoping that I can continue and not binge this week! I am allowing myself one meal a week to eat unhealthy so I do not deprive myself and binge.... I am nervous for that meal but I will stay strong and focused and go overboard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Ecampbell64
    Ecampbell64 Posts: 22 Member
    I did binge one time this week. It wasn't as bad as many of my binges were last year and I got right back on track. it was startling how quickly the calories added up as I logged My food. With MFP it is easy to see how a few days of healthy eating could be totally negated by one binge in the past.
  • Ecampbell64
    Ecampbell64 Posts: 22 Member
    And regarding what constitutes a binge, I think each person has to define that for themselves and be honest. For me, the way I eat is as much a problem as what I eat. I simply cannot read or watch TV and eat. It is a deadly behavior for me. For others, it might not be as much a problem.