GOOD BETTER BEST - Tuesday 1.7.14 - R U HERE?!?!

CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
Brrrrrrrrrrr....yet another cold one! Not as windy as yesterday, but still temps with windchill to hit the -50 degree range in North Central Wisconsin. Not a huge shocker.....its winter....its I am over it!

Yesterday I didnt put up a post cause, well, it turned into my cheat day. I was super sore all over from the activities the day before. Plus with a deadline on some work items before i could leave for my half day since i am working Saturday, I wanted to make sure that was done first.

Today, I am again on another light activity day. I will try some workout once i get home, since my arm is alot better today (Sore from all the rooting and high fiving and the like on sunday) - but with the new year I decided that I am done with this weather stopping me so i am now signing up for Anytime Fitness tomorrow during their 14.95 deal that was advertised online on MFP. Only 3 days to take advantage today, tomorrow and thursday. I will say I felt a little pressured to take a "Tour" of their facilities at an arranged time. But i am sure they have to do some sales calls to bring in business, so I will go along, but if they push too hard, I am not going to be happy!

Dr. Appt this morning was the best one EVER!!! So much good was so short to get a good healthier breakfast stop in at Subway....yum!

So whats everyone else doing to brave the elements? No snow for me so i cant shovel anything and freezing to death is never a good option.

Stay Strong and Stay warm!



  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    Hi! I am really happy to hear about your doctor's appointment! That is such an improvement in such a short amount of time! Congrats!

    So the cold and snow everyone has been talking about...finally hit buffalo! Started yesterday afternoon and by the time I was able to leave work (around 7pm) I couldn't. Thruways were closed down. So I spent the night at work. Kind of creepy because I believe that this place is haunted to begin with. I work in the old Curtiss Wright building. They used to build and fly WWII airplanes out of the plant. Anyways- I heard tons of strange sounds and a lot of cats. I slept for about 4 hours. So not awful...but not fun. I did order a pizza and watched Hostages which was really awesome! Now I just have to get thru todays work day and try to get home tonight. It actually looks worse now than yesterday.

    My eating has been so off. From not eating because of stress, to doing well, then getting the flu and now this. Sounds like excuses, and they are. But they are my excuses and I will own it. I really want to lose 2 pounds by the end of the month. I need to get my head back in the game.

    Oh- and I wish it was beach weather....just saying
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    Barely surviving here - just kidding but cold and me do not get along well. I am more convinced (every day) that I am destined to live in a tropical climate. :)

    Glad about your Dr appointment - I love it when things work out so well!