Checking in 01-08-14



  • kblount10
    everything in my closet, including my underwear, was uncomfortable.

  • jenabee610
    jenabee610 Posts: 29 Member
    Like many of you, I am doing this for myself. I want to feel comfortable,confident and healthy in my body. I know that there are still a lot of things I want to accomplish and do with my life and I just want to be healthy and fit and enjoy a long one. Another reason I am doing this is because I plan on entering the medical field, which is funny how I circled back around to this career path after thinking that chemistry was ridiculous in college. As a nurse, you are working with patients and trying to increase their well being. I just feel that I need to practice what I preach.
  • lanajs11
    I initially began the weight loss journey when I had weighed the heaviest I had ever been after giving birth to my second child. I knew that I had to do something, and I did. I lost about 40 lbs, but still struggled with consistency. Then my husband and I became pregnant with our fourth child, unexpectedly ( I know that sounds weird, but when you are using birth control methods suggested by your Dr. and still up with a baby, it can be unexpected). I panicked. I wasn't ready and I emotionally ate. So now that my baby girl is 9 months, I realize that I need to get back to where I was and beyond. I have three daughters and a son to set the example that it is okay to put yourself first and be happy, and that it is okay to love to love the skin you're in. I know that my goals are life changing for more than just me. No excuses, no cheating; no more pity parties. I realized that was becoming someone that I never wanted to be, and I refuse to let Negative Nancy win.
  • CourtneyMolina
    CourtneyMolina Posts: 13 Member
    I had a lot of reasons why I wanted to start losing when I started a couple of years back, but I could never stay motivated long enough to notice any change. I finally realized that I was trying to lose the weight for all the wrong reasons, that I needed to do it for myself first and foremost. So I did a little soul searching and restarted my journey with my main reason being me. I want it for me and not anyone or anything else. I still have my moments where it gets hard and I fall off track, but now that I'm doing this for me it's been a lot easier to get back on :happy: