How this works?

MellieJean Posts: 13 Member
I am looking for a Bible study weight loss group. How does it work?


  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome MellieJean,

    We're glad you have joined us. What a great question.

    I post a Bible study every day. I am not sure where you live, but I am on the West Coast of USA. I try to get it up before midnight the night before, so that people across the world don't have to wait too long into their day.

    You can do as much or as is for you an God to decide. There are Scriptures. Memory verse and Q&A to answer.

    But I always provide KJV Scripture with links to so you can read them in other versions. KJV doesn't have copyright infringement if I post it. Many people abuse copyrights, but I work hard to respect copyrights.

    I have added a blurb at the beginning an the ending about the Lectionary lessons in Scripture. I follow the Lectionary so we can cover the entire Word of keeping with the season.

    In addition, I have divided the members into small teams of 2-3 people. I post their names with a prayer for them and their goals--weight loss, health etc. We invite everyone in the group to focus prayers on those listed, but also any who have posted a specific prayer request.

    I close with a prayer and then a summary blurb.

    I copy and expand the same study on my blog at -- I add music, art, photos etc on the theme of Scripture. e.g. Today's lesson was about Saul meeting with the other apostles after his conversion and proclaiming the good news. The fears of the people, were mentioned. I found art (stain glass, Rembrandt paintings, Sculptures) of Saul/Paul and Peter. Psalm 29 is about the power of the Voice of God, so I have a picture of a volcano with Lightning from the US Geological survey. I found music by Chris Tomlin, a gospel choir in West Angeles, Michael W. Smith, Philliips, Craig and Dean, choirs etc. that use the Scriptures or some form of praise music of today. I end with a link to a cartoon...(again copyright issues) --Today's was funny: an old woman says, "Wireless communications? I've had wireless communications for 70 years every time I pray."

    Anyway, we have threads for testimonies, prayer request, introductions of new members. etc.

    I hope that helps. I'm always a little long winded, but don't feel you have to be. Just take the part that works for you.
    We have many types. Some are more independent and hands in the kneading; others like to savor the elixir of someone else's words. Both are valid. I try to provide a springboard to inspire your daily walk.

    We are evolving. If you have a suggestion, don't hesitate to PM me.

    There is no guilt here. We are not judges. nor are we applying for the position. We are about love and support.

    We have a small prayer team that takes on private prayer requests. We have seen some wonderful responses. and answered prayers. If you have a private request you don't wish to post, you can PM me and we'll keep it among the team.

    Welcome again,
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Hi MellieJean,

    I didn't add that you can post your responses/answers to the Bible Study. Some follow the Q&A format. Others just post a few sentences of their reactions/understandings of the Scriptures.

    The goal is for you to be inspired, so there is no hard and fast rule of how you have to answer.

    We hope that your weight loss time will have the added bonus of increasing your spiritual life as you loose the weight.

    Feel free to post concerns about weight loss or health issues. We can share ideas about weight loss as much as responses to the Bible.

    I sticky most of the posts that people add about prayer requests, so we can keep them up top and easy to find. I keep all the names of the group stickied, again so it is easy to access. Hence two pages of stcky-pinned posts. If you post something new, it will show up at the end of the stickies and I can add a sticky when I read it.

    Hope this helps.