add me sahill314

sahill314 Posts: 71 Member
please add me sahill314 im on day 6 and im struggling with motivation today cuz im so sore but im down 6.4 lbs eating high fat low carb diet with some paleo principles!


  • rhino45
    rhino45 Posts: 86 Member
    You are in my friend. I feel your pain I demo'd my videos last week and and stayed pretty sore the entire time, however most of that is gone now. I still get a little sore this week but nothing major just my body telling me it worked hard. I don't know a lot about the Paleo diet but hopefully there is someone already in here with some good info. I just tried sticking to the nutrition plan in the book and its working so far. I get a ton of calories and am still dropping weight Im down about 5 this week alone