Newbie "Mountaineer" at the foot of the mountain

Hello everyone! My name is Kate & I made a lovely new friend this weekend (that's you; jmnicholas) who kindly told me about My Fitness Pal & this forum in particular. We have been at a New Wine conference this weekend where God ministered to me by the Holy Spirit. I am overweight & unfit mainly because I binge eat & drink. I am unfit because I became unwell at the age of 18 with what I now know was ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which remained diagnosed until 3 years ago at the age of 29. God, however, has been healing me over the past 6 months so I can now walk without pain! WHOOP!! I want to address my diet & get fit but know I can't do it in my own strength. The weight I need to lose feels like a huge mountain looming above me and I know I need to tackle it steadily, with courage and trusting my Father to guide me & keep me from harm. It'll be good having you ladies there knowing you understand & I'll try to be honest about my progress so that I have some accountability. Tomorrow is Day 1 of my Calorie Counting climb & I'm expectant & nervous. Here goes...


  • jmnicholas
    jmnicholas Posts: 58 Member
    Welcome Kate! These lovely ladies will be part of your great 'cloud of witnesses' to rejoice when you rejoice and encourage you when you feel down...

    I have loved spending the weekend with you IRL, so here we go on the next bit of the adventure if our lives!
  • Hello!

    Well, I'm half way through day one...and I'm really hungry!!!! I seem to have used up a lot of calories eating my idea of healthily. I think I'm going to have to get used to smaller portion sizes. Can anybody recommend low-calorie but filling foods?!

    Thank you!!
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Hi Kate

    Don't look at the mountain - watch your feet! It's one step at a time - and 'just for today' - forget what happened yesterday and don't worry about tomorrow!

    I know mfp works 'cos when I was logging everyday I lost - when I decided to go it alone I gained! So I'm back on the mountain track!

    My challenge this year is Just for Today I will do my best to: log all my food, try to eat more healthily, move more (I use a fitbit to ensure that I do at least 70,000 steps a week), read the bible from Genesis to Revelation (message bible for starters), be prepared to say 'no' during this year when necessary, take time out for myself to do things I enjoy without squeezing it out by things I must do, learn something new that I've always wanted to do at least once this year, laugh (going to a pantomime last week started that one off well!) Oh yes it did!,

    So, if you want a fellow mountaineer , please feel free to add me as a friend!:smile:

  • jmnicholas
    jmnicholas Posts: 58 Member
    I think there is worth in just logging. Don't worry too much about the using up calories part to start with. If you feel hungry, drink some water and then see how you feel a bit later. For me the key thing is always distracting myself from wanting to eat, by doing something...(work, ironing, reading, going for a walk). Keep going. It isn't a quick fix, be in it for the long haul...