Still waiting

Aquafinaflo Posts: 18 Member
So of course, knowing that i'm a little impatient, i called uhc. I was always told growing up that a presistant somebody always get what they want eventually. Anyways, so i called my case worker and of course i got the same she told me before. That it wil be 2 to 15 buisness days before they make a desision. Sometimes sooner, but call her back around next friday since that will be the 15th day mark..That still didnt satisfy me. i felt like i needed some solid info about my procedure and process. So i called back, spoke to a young lady and asked to speak with someone in the clinical dept.. Got this nice young lady on the phone THAT JUST SO HAPPENED to have rny 5yrs ago herself. That made me feel good. So i at least ended up with my pending authorization number that i didn't have before. She told me to stay presistant and call at least every other day, if not everyday to check my status. Also, where me surgeons office didn't give me an exact intinitive date, just told me around the end of febuary. She gave me a date they sent as feb. 18th. So i'm feeling extra excited.


  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Maybe if you offered to bring in all your food dairies and reports to show them what a good candidate you are it might help speed up the process??
  • I know what you are going through. I had been given the run around for a little over a month. I finally just asked one day, "What exactly are we waiting on?" The nurse (who's such a sweetie and has been so gracious even though I was practically calling every other day) told me that all they were waiting on was the rest of my sleep study paperwork. So I went to the Sleep Study office and asked them for a copy of all the paperwork in my file. They gave it to me. I then took it to my Surgeon's office and the very next day received a call telling me when my next appointment was with the surgeon. I now have my surgery date which will be the 25th of February. So just be patient, but stay on them too. Good Luck!
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    The waiting is the worst part. Yes, worse than the pain of surgery, etc. At least it was for me. And yes, stay on them "checking in" regularly. Hang in there!
  • Aquafinaflo
    Aquafinaflo Posts: 18 Member
    thanks for all of your responses. i was on them everyday rather than every other day. lol i got the call yesterday morning. i'm scheduled for feb 18th.