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Weight loss

Hi my name is Malcolm and i am very overweight. I have tried many diets yet none seem to work.


  • ConnorSmoove
    Hey Malcolm, I saw you needed for help with your weight. I used to be overweight but I pulled a couple smoove moves and turned my life around. Okay, so losing weight, first rules DIETS are a noob move. Try going to the beach and meeting some fine ladies, and if you're lucky, then maybe you'll be able to make it splaassshhh. Hahaa! Another thing, try hit some of that shotclock cheese when eating your meals, that will help you keep you're wait under control. Hope this helps, you can come to me again about any of your problems!

    Yours truly, Connor Smoove

  • MalcolmPrentice
    MalcolmPrentice Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you soooo muchh MR. Smoove, thanks to your advice ive lost soo much weight!(over 100 pounds)!!!
    Just look how skinny i am now
  • lemchicken
    get down to the ground noob
  • ConnorSmoove
    Mr. Lem chicken thats what i like to see, keep up the smoove moves buddy^