checking in



  • ELMunque
    ELMunque Posts: 136 Member
    We had a 4 day weekend, and I don't log or track on the weekends, but I don't overeat either. I painted my bedroom on Friday (had almost the whole thing done before hubby got home) and then Saturday we moved my all my stuff back in and I rearranged and I love it! Did't do much on Sunday.... Watched football.... it was a great lazy day and then Sunday we went and spent the day with my parents, my dad needed help building a ramp and my mom needed help shopping! So all in all we had a great weekend.

    So jealous of the chick that only has 4lbs to lose. I have about 30-35 before I think I'll be happy with my jean size.
  • ELMunque
    ELMunque Posts: 136 Member
    @ cuinboston201 - Good luck with the baby making! I had a friend that tried for years, even got on fertility meds with no luck, we were looking in to harvesting my eggs for her (I'm incredibly fertile, her husband would only have to smile right at her and she'd be pregnant). She got off the meds and was knocked up within 3 months, now she's on her 3rd! But the wait for her was terrible and the false alarms, hopefully you will get good news on Friday and I will drink your glass of wine for you!
  • cstringfellow2013
    cstringfellow2013 Posts: 172 Member
    About the pre-logging, I wasn't doing it at first, but when I read about it, I thought I would give it a try. It really helps me see where I can add (or subtract) calories at a snack or dinner time. It also helps me see where I need to adjust what I'm eating to meet my macros.

    Dinner with friends Saturday was a blast. She initially said we were having fajitas, which can totally be low cal, but we ended up having gourmet pizza. Very tasty, but I went over my allotment by quite a bit. So I jumped right back up on Sunday and will keep trucking along. We all need a cheat meal every now and then!
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Thanks Elmunque - it seems like everyone is getting knocked up without much effort around me. I can't complain much, though, as my daughter who is now 7 was not planned and I definitely wasn't trying then. Funny, though, how life plays it's little games on you. I got pregnant with her when I was obese. Now I'm only slightly overweight (less than ten lbs) super active and can't get my body to work with me lol. Actually...overall I have more health issues with a healthy life than I did even morbidly obese. Oh well...

    BTW - I'm not sure if you're referring to me but my ticker says I only have 4lbs to lose. I do have more than that. I'm looking to lose around 30 total. However, since I lost my initial 100 I've been saying "I have 30 more to lose" when I started wanting to lose again (i had taken an intentional break). My success with 30 has been minimal so I've broken it into 10 lb chunks.

    To those of you who pre-log... let me ask you something my sister asked me about logging. We got into a very healthy discussion about logging and if I should be doing it. I tend to obsess and can get into an unhealthy place with it (which I'm wroking on). But she also mentioned that if I'm logging and see I have x amount of calories, do I just eat them because I can or because I"m legitimately hungry.

    I prelogged almost all my food today except the few items, ilke a banana and cucumber, that had to be weighed. I saw where I was and felt good so I treated myself to a 260 calorie brownie. It was amazing. But I don't think I would have done it if I didn't feel like there was such a big "cushion" as the rest of my stuff for today, combined wiht my calorie burn, would have been a nice deficit.

    Do you e ver think like that? Like now I have X amount of calories to eat whatever I want so I will?
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    BTW Elmunque - that's an extremely amazing thing you would do for your friend :)
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member

    To those of you who pre-log... let me ask you something my sister asked me about logging. We got into a very healthy discussion about logging and if I should be doing it. I tend to obsess and can get into an unhealthy place with it (which I'm wroking on). But she also mentioned that if I'm logging and see I have x amount of calories, do I just eat them because I can or because I"m legitimately hungry.

    I prelogged almost all my food today except the few items, ilke a banana and cucumber, that had to be weighed. I saw where I was and felt good so I treated myself to a 260 calorie brownie. It was amazing. But I don't think I would have done it if I didn't feel like there was such a big "cushion" as the rest of my stuff for today, combined wiht my calorie burn, would have been a nice deficit.

    Do you e ver think like that? Like now I have X amount of calories to eat whatever I want so I will?

    I don't pre-log, I work in an office and am on the computer all day anyway, it's no problem for me to log my lunch and snacks while I'm at work.

    If I have extra calories I'll have a half glass of wine occasionally after I've worked out and done everything I set out to do. If I don't work out, no wine! :drinker:
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    To those of you who pre-log... let me ask you something my sister asked me about logging. We got into a very healthy discussion about logging and if I should be doing it. I tend to obsess and can get into an unhealthy place with it (which I'm wroking on). But she also mentioned that if I'm logging and see I have x amount of calories, do I just eat them because I can or because I"m legitimately hungry.

    I prelogged almost all my food today except the few items, ilke a banana and cucumber, that had to be weighed. I saw where I was and felt good so I treated myself to a 260 calorie brownie. It was amazing. But I don't think I would have done it if I didn't feel like there was such a big "cushion" as the rest of my stuff for today, combined wiht my calorie burn, would have been a nice deficit.

    Do you e ver think like that? Like now I have X amount of calories to eat whatever I want so I will?

    Before I got on MFP, I used to try to use a meal plan to plan out dinners at home, not so much for healthy eating but just to help with general organization and getting food on the table at a reasonable hour at dinner time after a busy day at work and with the kids. I haven't been doing the meal planner as much for the past several months but I do think planning ahead, whether it is on paper, on MFP, or just in your own mind helps a lot for a variety of reasons (make better choices throughout the day, easier to get dinner on the table if you know what you need to do when you get home from work, etc).

    Also, I absolutely eat whatever I want with calories left over at the end of the day. Or throughout the day if I know that dinner is going to keep me within my budget. I'm not a big sweets person but I almost always have at least one glass of wine at the end of the night after I get the kids to bed. Even if that puts me over my daily goal. :)
  • ELMunque
    ELMunque Posts: 136 Member
    I prelog, but I also plan my meals at least 2 weeks in advance (with a big family you kind of have to). So it's easier to pre-log for me. I don't eat if I'm not hungry. I'm one of those lucky obese chicks that doesn't always eat 1200 calories. So now I have my smoothies all day, so I get my calories, and I'm full all the time and losing weight! Who knew.