Most difficult?

What is it that most people find most difficult when attempting to keep focused on their goals?


  • EveryNameIsTakenDudes
    Nobody approves of me trying to lose weight. That makes it really hard:cry:
  • rebekahetaylor
    rebekahetaylor Posts: 4 Member
    I too have had that problem in the past and it does make it extremely DIFFICULT when the right people in a persons circle are not supportive of helping those around them to achieve goals. I have found that 1) misery loves company (those who don't have the WILL power to do what you're doing will always attempt to keep another down) 2) I had felt as though others did it as well to accommodate how they want you to be because any improvements to ones self would be intimidating. So don't let those people sabotage you. The sabotagers are always around! Regardless of their motives.
  • rebekahetaylor
    rebekahetaylor Posts: 4 Member
    At this particular moment the most difficult thing for me is being able to actually get up in the morning before 5 to exercise. Being that I have to get my son up ready and on the bus, as well as myself partially by this time, I have to get up no later that 4:45 am to be able to achieve a walk in the morning hours. I have attempted to set my alarm early enough and multiple time to simultaneously go off to wake my solid sleeping self. This doesn't seem to be working... the dogs will wake me up at 3 and then back to bed and miss the alarm...NICE! But I am still going to attempt to do it regardless of the multiple failing attempts I have made thus far. The thought of getting my work out done before the day has begun is a wonderful thought and if I EVER get to actually doing It will be a GREAT accomplishment as well!
  • EveryNameIsTakenDudes
    At this particular moment the most difficult thing for me is being able to actually get up in the morning before 5 to exercise. Being that I have to get my son up ready and on the bus, as well as myself partially by this time, I have to get up no later that 4:45 am to be able to achieve a walk in the morning hours. I have attempted to set my alarm early enough and multiple time to simultaneously go off to wake my solid sleeping self. This doesn't seem to be working... the dogs will wake me up at 3 and then back to bed and miss the alarm...NICE! But I am still going to attempt to do it regardless of the multiple failing attempts I have made thus far. The thought of getting my work out done before the day has begun is a wonderful thought and if I EVER get to actually doing It will be a GREAT accomplishment as well!

    Wow, that's early!!!